CamiTK 5.1.0

What is new in CamiTK 5.1.0

This is the release notes for CamiTK 5.1.0.

CamiTK 5.1.0 comes with few new features but a lot of important bug fixes, especially in its support of medical image and mesh.

  • 4 new features

    • CamiTK now supports VTK 9 and ITK 5.2 (the recommended versions)
    • Anti-aliasing in 3D viewer (FXAA) is now on by default in the 3D viewer
    • A color can be attributed to each vertex of a mesh
    • More customizable tube representation in 3D (through the API)
  • 4 bugs fixed

    • Dicom component ignores the DICOM orientation" (closes #153)
    • Load MetaImage Medical Format rotation/translation in the proper order (closes #66)
    • Cancel color picking UI (closes #135)
    • Mesh clipping widget UI
  • code quality and devops improvements

    • Unable to compile with recent CMake version (missing CommandLineOptions.ixx.o file)
    • NEW API depreciation in Actions (set/getComponent were misleading method names)
    • Continuous integration now performs on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Debian bookworm (Closes #145)
    • Typo in doxygen project title (Closes #144)
    • Qt minimal version is now 5.14 (Closes #134)
    • imaging CEP test is using itk version 5.2

CamiTK 5.1 is the first release for our new technical director Manik Bhattacharjee. Welcome Manik!

The rhythm of bug fixing and improvements should increase from now, thank you for waiting so long since the release of CamiTK 5.0.

Thanks to all the direct contributors (committers and issue submitters) and to everyone who gave this project financial, moral or any other kind of support (a huge thanks to the CNRS)!

CamiTK 5.1 in images

CamiTK 5.1 in stats

  • 91 commits
  • 1097 files changed, 3085 insertions(+), 2520 deletions(-)
  • 20 merge requests
  • from 2 contributors (commiters) and more (bug reports)

What OpenHub says about CamiTK

This is an independent review of our code base (click on the links for more information)

Full list of merge requests

16 merged requests between 04 May 2021 and 28 July 2023

Merge Request Id Merge date Title Description Link
205 2023-07-28 CamiTK 5.1 Release Preparation Closes #156 Prepare release 5.1... more information
204 2023-07-26 Resolve "Add anti-aliasing support to 3D display viewer": saving settings and default to true Closes #130... more information
202 2023-07-26 Resolve "DicomComponent ignores DICOM orientation" Closes #153... more information
199 2023-07-20 Resolve "Load mha rotation/translation in the proper order" Closes #66... more information
201 2023-06-29 NEW API depreciation in Actions set/getComponent are misleading method names as the parameter/return value is a QString and is a Component class name


more information
200 2023-06-16 Resolve "Update testing to debian stable (bookworm)" Closes #145... more information
198 2023-06-12 Resolve "Typo in doxygen project title and test data file check-with-color-pointdata.vtk" Closes #144... more information
191 2023-06-05 First support for mesh colors Adding COLOR SpecificRepresentation, corresponding ComboBox item, changing the color mode of Geometry's mapper, and crea... more information
197 2023-04-30 Resolve "Qt minimal version should be 5.14" Closes #134... more information
196 2023-04-28 Resolve "Cancel color picking displays warning" Remove warning display when the user cancels color picking. Closes #135... more information
193 2023-04-21 Resolve "Add anti-aliasing support to 3D display viewer" Adding two types of antialiasing as viewer options: FXAA and MSAA Closes #130... more information
192 2023-04-19 Fix mesh clipping widget display ... more information
184 2023-04-19 Update version number ... more information
187 2023-04-17 Vtk9 ... more information
189 2023-04-04 setLinesAsTubes support for custom radius and number of sides Closes #129... more information
190 2023-03-30 Resolve "File CommandLineOptions.ixx.o missing": removed files from CMakeLists.txt With recent CMake, CamiTK failed to compile as .ixx files are not compiled directly and should not be listed as sources.... more information