CamiTK 3.4.0 (iris)
New images orientations!
CamiTK now considers the translation, rotation and orientation of images. Images acquired by scanner are now faithfully represented in 3D spaces. Axial, coronal and sagittal viewers no longer display wrong slices since each image orientation is taken into account at read time.
New service: Frames!
CamiTK provides a new service to any component: Frames. Frames stands for the capacity of any component to be positioned
relatively to any other component in a 3D space. This feature is major and is really useful for describing component's position, especially with subcomponents.
For instance, this feature is already used on projects involving robots components, positioning themselves relatively to other (part of) robots.
A new frame explorer has been added in order to view the opened component frames's hierarchy. Also, a simple action is available to change a component's frame.
New points and cells picking!
Mesh components have single and multiple points / cells picking. This allows to select any part of the 3D structure of the mesh.
A tab in the property explorer displays information about the current selection. Also, mesh components contain now a generic attribute
data which can be used by action on the mesh. This information is displayed in the data tab of the property explorer.
Updated DICOM component
We greatly improved our DICOM component to read volumic images from DICOM standard format.
Still based on GDCM open source library,
we mixed our 2 previous DICOM components into one. It prompts the user which images to open and read their tags
to consider their translation and orientation.
New Bug tracker
CamiTK team improves its bug fixing policy. We are now using the famous BugZilla
bug tracking system and we improved our
New support for .msh v.2 format!
The MSH component has been improved to support .msh file format version 2. Try it out!
New Image acquisition component
We added a new component that aims at helping building a component that acquires images from any devices. If you plan to build a component to get images from a new device, use this one!
Better wiki documentation
Wiki documentation has been refreshed, betterly organised in different sections and categories. You'll find your information easier and faster.
Improved automatic testing
Our automatic tests run on actions and components can now be switched on with a certain level. The higher the level of the test, the better the check are done on the extension. More information on testing levels in CamiTK can be found on the Wiki.
Easy interface with SOFA
Using CMake, CamiTK configuration with the SOFA framework is made easy.
Check out the instructions on the wiki page!
Languages translation!
CamiTK translation into several languages is now possible. We use QtLinguist to create several languages version of your CamiTK applications. Check out the wiki documentation to learn more about this new feature!