CamiTK 4.0.4 (red)

Packaging ready version

  • Fix issues on vtk filter on some actions.
  • Fix internal compilation mode to taking into account C++11 standard.

Bug fixed

CamiTK hotfix version 4.0.4 fixes bugs: 184


29 September 2016

Packaging ready version

  • Fix package problem.
  • Fix parallel build issues due to dependencies to SDK targets.
  • Fix some spelling and copyright mistakes.
  • Fix space in CEP name bug.


22 July 2016

VTK et CamiTK 3D viewer

  • Wizard updated to generate a CamiTK 4.0 compliant CEP.
  • Migration guide from 3.5 to 4.0 is available.
  • CamiTK 4.0.2 dependencies are:
    • Qt 5.3 and above on Linux and Qt 5.6 on Windows
    • VTK 6.3 and above (VTK 7 should work)
    On Windows, there is a VTK bug that prevent the installation of VTK 6 or VTK 7 debug version.

Bug fixed

CamiTK hotfix version 4.0.2 fixes bugs: 181

Version 4.0.0 BETA

31 March 2016

Support of new major versions of CMake, Qt, VTK, ITK and GDCM!

CamiTK 4.0.0 does not change its API but works with the new major release versions of its main libraries dependencies.
CamiTK now supports:

  • Qt 5.6
  • ITK 4.9
  • VTK 6.3
  • GDCM 2.6
  • CMake 3.4
Note that this version is a BETA release, some minor bugs may still occur and some works are needed to complete this upgrade:
  • Update the wizard to generate a CamiTK 4.0 compliant CEP. Currently the CamiTK Wizard generates 3.5 CEPs.
  • Write a migration guide from 3.5 to 4.0.