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Publications and research projects using/citing CamiTK

A lot of projects have or are currently using the CamiTK Community Edition framework to build long-term technical demonstrators or to allow collaborations between research teams and R&D departments in the industry.

As CamiTK is open source and contains no obligation (although it would help if researchers properly cite CamiTK, see below the list), this only lists the visible projects during the recent previous years.

For a more complete list check the google scholar page citations (last 4 years)


References for 2023

  • M.-C. Picard, P. Perrier, M. Nazari, Y. Payan. Model-based simulations of the insertion of tensor threads in patient-specific face: a proof of concept. 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Paris, 2023.
  • J. I. Peltonen, A.-P. Honkanen, M. Kortesniemi. Quality assurance framework for rapid automatic analysis deployment in medical imaging.Physica Medica, 116():103173, December 2023. doi.

References for 2022

  • A. Iribar-Zabala, R. Benito, G. Sánchez-Merino, C. A. Cortes, M. A. Garcia-Fidalgo, K. Lopez-Linares, Á. Bertelsen. MIGHTY: a comprehensive platform for the development of medical image-guided holographic therapy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 1-9, nov 2022
  • J. Moolenaar, N. Tümer, S. Checa. Computer-Assisted Preoperative Planning of Bone Fracture Fixation Surgery: A State-Of-The-Art Review. biomedical & chemical engineering, sep 2022.
  • S. Guy, J.-L. Haberbusch, E. Promayon, S. Mancini, S. Voros. Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy. Journal of Imaging, 8(3):52, feb 2022.

References for 2021

  • M. Boudissa; B. Noblet; G. Bahl; H. Oliveri; M. Herteleer; J. Tonetti; M. Chabanas. Planning acetabular fracture reduction using a patient-specific biomechanical model: a prospective and comparative clinical study.International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 16(8):1305-1317, 2021.
  • V. Ivanova, P. Vasilev; I. Stoianov; R. Andreev; A. Boneva. Design of a Multifunctional Operating Station Based on Augmented Reality (MOSAR). Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 21():119-136, March 2021..
  • P. Shametaj. Positioning and orientation control of a needle-Insertion MRI compatible medical robot based on ROS using visual feedback. MS Thesis,University of Twente. 2021.
  • S. Wang, J. Frisbie, Z. Keepers, Z. Bolten, A. Hevaganinge, E. Boctor, S. Leonard, J. Tokuda, A. Krieger, M. Minhaj Siddiqui. The Use of Three-dimensional Visualization Techniques for Prostate Procedures: A Systematic Review. European Urology Focus, 7(6):1274-1286, nov 2021.

References for 2020

  • Pour Arab, D.; Voros, S.; Essert, C. Dynamic path planning for percutaneous procedures in the abdomen during free breathing. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Springer, 2020.
  • Derathé, A.; Reche, F.; Moreau-Gaudry, A.; Jannin, P.; Gibaud, B.; Voros, S. Predicting the quality of surgical exposure using spatial and procedural features from laparoscopic videos. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Springer, 2020, 15, 59-67.
  • Lapouge, G.; Fiard, G.; Poignet, P.; Troccaz, J. Efficient target tracking for 3D ultrasound-guided needle steering. Medical Imaging 2020: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 2020, 11315, 113150I.
  • Lapouge, G.; Poignet, P.; Troccaz, J. Towards 3D ultrasound guided needle steering robust to uncertainties, noise and tissue heterogeneity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE, 2020
  • Fiard, G.; Selmi, S.-Y.; Maigron, M.; Bellier, A.; Promayon, E.; Descotes, J.-L.; Troccaz, J. Validating the transfer of skills acquired on a prostate biopsy simulator: a prospective, randomized, controlled study. Journal of Surgical Education, 2020, 77, 953 - 960
  • Lasso, A.; Kazanzides, P. System integration. Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Elsevier, 2020, 861-891
  • Thompson, S.; Dowrick, T.; Ahmad, M.; Xiao, G.; Koo, B.; Bonmati, E.; Kahl, K. & Clarkson, M. SciKit-Surgery: compact libraries for surgical navigation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Springer, 2020

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Note: when citing CamiTK, please do not use a footnote with the URL, but cite this paper as a full reference.

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