Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
camitk Namespace Reference


class  AbortException
 Exception class to handle abortion in component instantiation. Particularly useful to handle constructor's abortion. More...
class  Action
 Action class is an abstract class that enables you to build a action (generally on a component). At least two classes have to be reimplemented to enable the action: ActionExtension + Action. More...
class  ActionExtension
 This class describes what is a generic Action extension. To add a ActionExtension to CamiTK core, write a new class that inherits from this class. More...
class  ActionWidget
 Build a default widget for a given action using its Qt properties. It should be good enough in most of the case. The default widget contains a description, a reminder of the target component names, and an applyable/revertable ObjectController that allows you to edit/modify properties of the action. More...
class  Application
 The generic/default application. Once this class is intanciated in the main, everything is setup. The constructor can take the command line arguments. It can also be asked not to load the extensions automatically,see Application(). More...
class  ArbitrarySingleImageComponent
 This Component manages the specific case of arbitrary orientation of a sub-component of the image component. More...
class  CamiTKLogger
 This is the default logger for CamiTK. More...
class  Component
 A Component represents something that could be included in the explorer view, the interactive 3D viewer, and that could have or not a contextual popup menu (open by a right click in the explorer), a property dialog (to change some properties) Thus, a Component inherits from many abstract classes. A Component can only have one implemented representation. More...
class  ComponentExtension
 This class describes what is a generic Component extension. To add a ComponentExtension to CamiTK core, write a new class that inherits from this class. More...
class  ConsoleStream
 Provides a console windows, within the CamiTK application. More...
class  Core
 Core class specifies the basic static information for the CamiTK API. More...
class  ExtensionManager
 This class is used to manage all plugins loaded by the application. More...
class  Frame
 Represents a hierarchy of frames. More...
class  GeometricObject
 A geometric object allows one to create geometric object (sphere, arrow, ...) that can be added directly in the scene using getActor(). More...
class  Geometry
 A 3D representation of a vtkPointSet to be displayed in a InteractiveViewer, this class implements the InterfaceGeometry. More...
class  HistoryComponent
 HistoryComponent class describes the component information (name, type) stored in the history. More...
class  HistoryItem
 HistoryItem class describes the entry of an action used in a pipeline, in the history. More...
class  ImageAcquisitionComponent
 This class describes what is a generic Image Acquisition Component which derives from Component. More...
class  ImageAcquisitionComponentExtension
 This class describes what is a generic Image Acquisition Component extension. More...
class  ImageComponent
 The manager of the Image Volume data. An image volume data has no concrete 3D representation, but handles several sub-components for axial, sagittal and coronal slices. More...
class  ImageComponentExtension
 Abstract class created to support export file formats for ImageComponent Any data component plugin creating an ImageComponent should inherit from this class. More...
class  ImageOrientationHelper
 Helper class. More...
class  InteractiveViewer
 InteractiveViewer is used to view 3D objects and slices (anything that provides either a InterfaceBitMap or a InterfaceGeometry). More...
class  InteractiveViewerFrame
 InteractiveViewerFrame is the basic container for the InteractiveViewer widget. More...
class  InterfaceBitMap
 This class describes what are the methods to implement for a BitMap. An InterfaceBitMap is a kind of simplifier/wrapper for vtkImageData. More...
class  InterfaceFrame
 This class describes what are the methods to implement in order to manage a Component position in space. More...
class  InterfaceGeometry
 This class describes what are the methods to implement for a Geometry (rendering parameters, input/output, filters, picking parameters...) More...
class  InterfaceLogger
 The CamiTK logger interface provides a flexible tracing system to CamiTK applications. Messages can logged on the standard output or on a file (or both) and can also show QMessageBox dialog. More...
class  InterfaceNode
 This class describe what are the methods to implement for a hierarchical tree node. More...
class  InterfaceProperty
 This class describe what are the methods to implement in order to manage dynamic properties. InterfaceProperty is one of the interfaces implemented by the Component class. More...
class  ItkProgressObserver
 Allows showing a progress bar when using ITK methods. More...
class  Log
 This class is a log utility. More...
class  MainWindow
 This class is the base class for your application. It sets up the main window and creates a menubar, toolbar and statusbar (all hidden by default). More...
class  MeshComponent
 Basic component to manage any kind of mesh. More...
class  MeshComponentExtension
 Abstract class created to support export file formats for MeshComponent Any data component plugin creating a MeshComponent should inherit from this class. More...
class  MeshDataFilterModel
 CamiTK intern class to help automatically sort or show specific data. More...
class  MeshDataModel
 Qt model for mesh data. This class use the Qt model/view design. More...
class  MeshDataView
 Qt view for mesh data. More...
class  MeshSelectionModel
 Qt model for mesh selection This class use the Qt model/view design. More...
class  MeshSelectionView
 Qt view for mesh selection. More...
class  ObjectController
 The object controller class. More...
class  ObjectControllerPrivate
class  PlaneC
 This class allows you to transform a plane(translation,rotation around an axis) and visualize it. More...
class  Property
 This class describes a property that can be used in components and actions or any class that needs to be passed to ObjectControler. A property has a type, a description (to be displayed for example as a tooltip, can be rich-text, see for supported html tags), a value, a unit of measurement (SI unit if possible), and some specific attributes (that depends on the type, e.g. minimal and maximal values, single steps, number of decimals, regular expression...). An enum type can also be used for properties. More...
class  PropertyObject
 This class describes a property object. More...
class  ScreenshotFormatInfo
 class containing all information concerning exporting images (screenshot) and the different supported format and extension. More...
class  SettingsDialog
 This class controls the settings dialog user interface. More...
class  SimplisticComponent
 This class has been implemented to be able to instantiate a very basic component with NO_REPRESENTATION. More...
class  SingleImageComponent
 This Component manages sub-component of the image component seen as a single orientation only (axial OR sagittal OR coronal). More...
class  Slice
 Display a slice (i.e. an image or BitMap) of an ImageComponent. Helper class. More...
class  SliderSpinBoxWidget
 A utility class to have QSpinBox and QSlider synchronized. see for example InteractiveViewer (when it is used as 2D viewer) More...
class  SliderTextWidget
 This widget allows you to use a slider with a lineedit in a Dialog Box. The [min,max] interval is divided by 100 line steps (10 page steps), the slider controling the variation in percentage. More...
class  Viewer
 Viewer is an abstract class that is the base class for all viewers. More...
class  ViewerDockStyle
 a specific style made for QDockWidget that adds an icon to the dock widget title More...
class  ViewerExtension
 This class describes what is a generic Action extension. To add a ActionExtension to CamiTK core, write a new class that inherits from this class. More...
class  vtkInteractorStylePick
 Specific backward compatible interactor for CamiTK RendererWidget Interactor used when we are in picking mode. More...


using ActionList = QList< Action * >
 A list of Action. More...
using ActionSet = QSet< Action * >
 A set of Action. More...
using ComponentList = QList< Component * >
 A list of Component. More...
using ViewerList = QList< Viewer * >
 A list of Viewer. More...
using ViewerSet = QSet< Viewer * >
 A set of Viewer. More...
using vtkSmartPointerCamera = vtkSmartPointer< vtkCamera >


enum  CameraOrientation {
 RendererWidget implements all support methods to use camiTK with Qt interface. More...


bool actionLessThan (const camitk::Action *a1, const camitk::Action *a2)
 addProp (annotatedCube)
 addProp (axes)
renderWindow AddRenderer (renderer)
axeXTextProp BoldOn ()
 for (const auto &orientationDecorationActor :orientationDecorationActors)
 for (int i=0;i< 4;i++)
vtklup ForceBuild ()
annotatedCube GetAssembly () -> SetPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
logoRepresentation GetImageProperty () -> SetOpacity(0.7)
orientationDecorationActors[3] GetPositionCoordinate () -> SetValue(0.5, 0.05)
colorBarWidget GetScalarBarActor () -> SetLookupTable(vtklup)
axes GetXAxisCaptionActor2D () -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeXTextProp)
axes GetYAxisCaptionActor2D () -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeYTextProp)
axes GetZAxisCaptionActor2D () -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeZTextProp)
transform Identity ()
interactor Initialize ()
axeXTextProp ItalicOn ()
QFile logoFile (":/camiTKIcon")
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse move handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse press handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse release handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
QSizePolicy policy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)
 RendererWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr, ControlMode mode=RendererWidget::TRACKBALL)
 constructors. More...
colorBarWidget RepositionableOn ()
transform Scale (0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
colorBarWidget SelectableOn ()
acProp SetAmbient (1)
 setBackgroundColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pickingButtonDiverter SetCallback (RendererWidget::divertionCallback)
 setCameraOrientation (cameraOrientation)
pickingButtonDiverter SetClientData (controlInteractorStyle)
acProp SetColor (0, 0, 1)
acProp SetColor (0, 1, 0)
orientationDecorationsProp SetColor (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
acProp SetColor (0.18, 0.28, 0.23)
acProp SetColor (0.5, 1, 1)
acProp SetColor (1, 0, 0)
 setControlMode (mode)
acProp SetDiffuse (0)
logoWidget SetEnabled (true)
annotatedCube SetFaceTextScale (0.65)
imageReader SetFileName (tempLogofile->fileName().toStdString().c_str())
axeXTextProp SetFontFamilyToArial ()
orientationDecorationsProp SetFontSize (14)
axeXTextProp SetFontSize (20)
policy setHeightForWidth (false)
vtklup SetHueRange (2.0/3.0, 0.0)
logoRepresentation SetImage (imageReader->GetOutput())
renderWindow SetInteractor (interactor)
acProp SetInterpolationToFlat ()
acProp SetLineWidth (1)
 setMinimumSize (150, 150)
 setObjectName ("RendererWidget")
logoRepresentation SetPosition (0.93, 0.01)
logoRepresentation SetPosition2 (0.1, 0.05)
interactor SetRenderWindow (renderWindow)
logoWidget SetRepresentation (logoRepresentation)
axes SetShaftTypeToCylinder ()
logoRepresentation SetShowBorderToOff ()
 setSizePolicy (policy)
axes SetTotalLength (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
axes SetXAxisLabelText ("x")
annotatedCube SetXFaceTextRotation (90)
annotatedCube SetXMinusFaceText ("R")
annotatedCube SetXPlusFaceText ("L")
axes SetYAxisLabelText ("y")
annotatedCube SetYMinusFaceText ("A")
annotatedCube SetYPlusFaceText ("P")
axes SetZAxisLabelText ("z")
annotatedCube SetZFaceTextRotation (90)
annotatedCube SetZMinusFaceText ("I")
annotatedCube SetZPlusFaceText ("S")
axeXTextProp ShadowOff ()
axeYTextProp ShallowCopy (axeXTextProp)
imageReader Update ()
bool viewerLessThan (const camitk::Viewer *v1, const camitk::Viewer *v2)
axes VisibilityOff ()
 vtkInstantiatorNewMacro (vtkInteractorStylePick)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (vtkInteractorStylePick)
 ~RendererWidget () override
 destructor More...


vtkSmartPointer< vtkProperty > acProp = annotatedCube->GetCubeProperty()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextProperty > axeXTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextProperty > axeYTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextProperty > axeZTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPNGReader > imageReader = vtkPNGReader::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkLogoRepresentation > logoRepresentation = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLogoRepresentation>::New()
QString orientationDecorationLetters [4] = "R"
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextProperty > orientationDecorationsProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > renderWindow = GetRenderWindow()
vtkScalarBarRepresentation * rep = vtkScalarBarRepresentation::SafeDownCast(colorBarWidget->GetRepresentation())
QTemporaryFile * tempLogofile = QTemporaryFile::createNativeFile(logoFile)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable > vtklup = vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowLevelLookupTable>::New()

picking and interaction

to manage interactions

 interactor = vtkSmartPointer<QVTKInteractor>::New()
 controlMode = NONE
 current control mode More...
 controlInteractorStyle = nullptr
 for the interaction with the scene More...
void setAreaPicking (bool areaPicking)
ControlMode getControlMode () const
 get the current control mode More...
void setControlMode (ControlMode mode)
 Set the interaction like trackball or joystick style. More...
void setPicker (vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractPropPicker > woodyWood)
 set the picker to handle the action More...
void pick ()
 Perform picking using the current mouse position. More...
void pickActor (int, int)
 Perform picking from screen coordinates. More...
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override
 key events (do nothing but pass on e to the parent widget), please do not add any shortcut management here (see note in implementation)! More...
void screenshot (QString filename)
 save the screenshot in a file More...
void refresh ()
 refresh the display More...
void startPicking ()
void endPicking ()
 end picking More...
void actorPicked (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPicker >)
void rightButtonPressed ()
 send when the mouse right button is clicked More...

view/camera settings

Reset camera settings (position, what is looked at and how)

 backfaceCulling = false
 Is back face culling on? More...
 rendering3DRedBlue = false
 is rendering in 3D stereo red/blue More...
 pointSize = 4.0
 default point size More...
 renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New()
 The current renderer. More...
 cameraOrientation = RIGHT_DOWN
 state of the initial camera orientation More...
bool lightFollowCamera
 Is the light following the camera. More...
void setBackfaceCulling (bool)
bool getBackfaceCulling () const
 Get the current state of backface culling. More...
void setCameraOrientation (RendererWidget::CameraOrientation)
 Set the current axes mode. More...
RendererWidget::CameraOrientation getCameraOrientation () const
 Return the current axes mode. More...
void setLightFollowCamera (bool)
 Set/unset the light to follow the camera. More...
bool getLightFollowCamera () const
 Get the current state of the property. More...
void setPointSize (double size)
 set the default point size More...
double getPointSize () const
 get the current value of point size More...
void rotateCamera (double angle, int axe)
 Rotate the camera around param "axe" of "angle" degrees. More...
void resetCamera ()
 reset the camera to the default position, default FOV. More...
void resetCamera (double *bounds)
 reset the camera to the default position, default FOV and use the given bounds to focus on More...
void getCameraSettings (double *position, double *focalPoint, double *viewUp)
 get camera settings information (position, what is looked at and how) in world coordinates More...
void setActiveCamera (vtkCamera *cam)
 set active camera More...
vtkCamera * getActiveCamera ()
 get the active camera More...
void getMouse3DCoordinates (double &x, double &y, double &z)
 get the mouse coordinates in 3D More...
void setBackgroundColor (double, double, double)
 set the background color (rgb) More...
void getBackgroundColor (double &, double &, double &)
 get the background color (rgb) More...
bool getGradientBackground ()
 get the current state of the gradient background More...
void setGradientBackground (bool)
 set the gradient background More...
void toogle3DRedBlue ()
 toggle stereo 3D red/blue rendering (you will need red/blue glasses) More...
void toggleLogo (bool)
 toggle logo More...
void toggleAxes (bool)
 display the axes More...
void updateAxes ()
 update the axes sizes More...
void toggleOrientationDecorations (bool)
 display orientation decorations More...
void setOrientationDecorationsLetters (QString letters[4])
 give the lettres for orientation decoration: Left, Right, Top, Down More...
void setColorScale (bool)
 display the color scale in the viewport, use setColorScaleMinMax to change the displayed values More...
bool getColorScale () const
 get the color display state More...
void setColorScaleMinMax (double m, double M)
 set the min and max values. More...
void setColorScaleTitle (QString t)
 set the color scale title. More...
void computeVisiblePropBounds (double *bounds)
 get the bounding box of all visible actors [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax] More...
void resetClippingPlanes (double *bounds=nullptr)
 reset the camera clipping plane to a given bounding box If no bounds are given, reset to show all visible actors More...
void resetCameraSettings ()

callback and interaction

manage connections between vtk objets events and qt slots

 pickInteractorStyle = vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStylePick>::New()
 picking interactor More...
 pickingButtonDiverter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand>::New()
 the callback to remove left button interaction while in picking mode More...
 pickingDiverter = false
 is the picking diverter used More...
static void divertionCallback (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
 a diverter observer callback (to be used to divert undesired events) More...

extra actors managements

is the gradient background displayed

 displayLogo = true
 is the logo displayed More...
 displayColorScale = false
 is the color scale currently displayed More...
 axes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxesActor>::New()
 axes actor More...
 annotatedCube = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAnnotatedCubeActor>::New()
 annotated cube actor More...
 logoWidget = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLogoWidget>::New()
 logo widget More...
 colorBarWidget = vtkSmartPointer<vtkScalarBarWidget>::New()
 the scalar bar widget More...
 displayGradient = false
vtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarActor > colorScale
 the color scale displaying the lookup table + values More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor2D > orientationDecorationActors [4]
 annotated cube text actors More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextMapper > orientationDecorationsTextMapper [4]
 annotated cube text More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ ActionList

using camitk::ActionList = typedef QList<Action*>

A list of Action.

◆ ActionSet

using camitk::ActionSet = typedef QSet<Action*>

A set of Action.

◆ ComponentList

using camitk::ComponentList = typedef QList<Component*>

A list of Component.

◆ ViewerList

using camitk::ViewerList = typedef QList<Viewer*>

A list of Viewer.

◆ ViewerSet

using camitk::ViewerSet = typedef QSet<Viewer*>

A set of Viewer.

◆ vtkSmartPointerCamera

using camitk::vtkSmartPointerCamera = typedef vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MouseButtonState

state of the pressed button (for 3 buttons mouse)


no buttons are currently pressed


the mouse left button is currently pressed


the mouse middle button is currently pressed (or 3rd button emulation)


the mouse right button is currently pressed

Function Documentation

◆ actionLessThan()

bool camitk::actionLessThan ( const camitk::Action a1,
const camitk::Action a2 

References camitk::Action::getName().

Referenced by camitk::Application::getActions(), and camitk::Application::sort().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ actorPicked()

void camitk::actorPicked ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPicker >  )

◆ actorTransform()

void camitk::actorTransform ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >  ,
double *  ,
int  ,
double **  ,
double *  ,
double *   

perform the transformation of the actor

◆ addProp() [1/3]

camitk::addProp ( annotatedCube  )

Referenced by for().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addProp() [2/3]

camitk::addProp ( axes  )

◆ addProp() [3/3]

void camitk::addProp ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp >  p,
bool  refresh = false 

add a vtkActor or vtkActor2D, updating the cull face depending on the current state.

The method checks it is not already there first. This method is "clever": it does different things (that should be documented below), depending on the type of the vtkProp

Action performed depending on the vtkProp (true) type:

  • vtkActor: apply the current backface culling and point size property to the actor.
    pthe vtkProp to add to the scene
    refreshif true the axes are refreshed (default false)

◆ AddRenderer()

renderWindow camitk::AddRenderer ( renderer  )

◆ BoldOn()

axeXTextProp camitk::BoldOn ( )

◆ computeVisiblePropBounds()

void camitk::computeVisiblePropBounds ( double *  bounds)

get the bounding box of all visible actors [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax]

◆ containsProp()

bool camitk::containsProp ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp >  )

is the given vtkProp (e.g. vtkActor or vtkActor2D) in this renderer

◆ divertionCallback()

static void camitk::divertionCallback ( vtkObject *  ,
unsigned long  ,
void *  ,
void *   

a diverter observer callback (to be used to divert undesired events)

◆ endPicking()

void camitk::endPicking ( )

end picking

◆ for() [1/2]

camitk::for ( const auto &orientationDecorationActor :orientationDecorationActors  )

◆ for() [2/2]

camitk::for ( )

References addProp().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ForceBuild()

vtklup camitk::ForceBuild ( )

◆ getActiveCamera()

vtkCamera* camitk::getActiveCamera ( )

get the active camera

◆ GetAssembly()

annotatedCube camitk::GetAssembly ( ) -> SetPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

◆ getBackfaceCulling()

bool camitk::getBackfaceCulling ( ) const

Get the current state of backface culling.

◆ getBackgroundColor()

void camitk::getBackgroundColor ( double &  ,
double &  ,
double &   

get the background color (rgb)

◆ getCameraOrientation()

RendererWidget::CameraOrientation camitk::getCameraOrientation ( ) const

Return the current axes mode.

◆ getCameraSettings()

void camitk::getCameraSettings ( double *  position,
double *  focalPoint,
double *  viewUp 

get camera settings information (position, what is looked at and how) in world coordinates

◆ getColorScale()

bool camitk::getColorScale ( ) const

get the color display state

◆ getControlMode()

ControlMode camitk::getControlMode ( ) const

get the current control mode

◆ getGradientBackground()

bool camitk::getGradientBackground ( )

get the current state of the gradient background

◆ GetImageProperty()

logoRepresentation camitk::GetImageProperty ( ) -> SetOpacity(0.7)

◆ getLightFollowCamera()

bool camitk::getLightFollowCamera ( ) const

Get the current state of the property.

◆ getMouse3DCoordinates()

void camitk::getMouse3DCoordinates ( double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 

get the mouse coordinates in 3D

◆ getPointSize()

double camitk::getPointSize ( ) const

get the current value of point size

◆ GetPositionCoordinate()

orientationDecorationActors [3] camitk::GetPositionCoordinate ( ) -> SetValue(0.5, 0.05)

◆ GetScalarBarActor()

colorBarWidget camitk::GetScalarBarActor ( ) -> SetLookupTable(vtklup)

◆ GetXAxisCaptionActor2D()

axes camitk::GetXAxisCaptionActor2D ( ) -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeXTextProp)

◆ GetYAxisCaptionActor2D()

axes camitk::GetYAxisCaptionActor2D ( ) -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeYTextProp)

◆ GetZAxisCaptionActor2D()

axes camitk::GetZAxisCaptionActor2D ( ) -> SetCaptionTextProperty(axeZTextProp)

◆ Identity()

transform camitk::Identity ( )

◆ Initialize()

interactor camitk::Initialize ( )

Referenced by PhysicalModel::xmlRead().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ItalicOn()

axeXTextProp camitk::ItalicOn ( )

◆ keyPressEvent()

void camitk::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

key events (do nothing but pass on e to the parent widget), please do not add any shortcut management here (see note in implementation)!

Referenced by QtPropertyEditorView::keyPressEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logoFile()

QFile camitk::logoFile ( ":/camiTKIcon"  )

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void camitk::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

mouse move handler overriden to manage different version of VTK

◆ mousePressEvent()

void camitk::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

mouse press handler overriden to manage different version of VTK

Referenced by camitk::MeshSelectionView::mousePressEvent(), camitk::MeshDataView::mousePressEvent(), QtBoolEdit::mousePressEvent(), and QtPropertyEditorView::mousePressEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mouseReleaseEvent()

void camitk::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

mouse release handler overriden to manage different version of VTK

◆ pick()

void camitk::pick ( )

Perform picking using the current mouse position.

◆ pickActor()

void camitk::pickActor ( int  ,

Perform picking from screen coordinates.

◆ policy()

QSizePolicy camitk::policy ( QSizePolicy::Expanding  ,

Referenced by PMLComponent::addSelection(), camitk::Action::getProperty(), camitk::MeshComponent::getSelectionIndex(), camitk::MeshSelectionModel::insertSelection(), and QtMetaEnumProvider::sizePolicyToIndex().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ refresh()

void camitk::refresh ( )

refresh the display

Referenced by Decimation::apply(), CreateSC::apply(), OtsuFilter::apply(), ComputeNormals::apply(), ExtractSelection::apply(), CleanPolyData::apply(), ChangeParent::apply(), ExtractEdges::apply(), ClearSelectionAction::apply(), FillWithPoints::apply(), PixelColorChanger::apply(), ExtractSurface::apply(), ComputeCurvatures::apply(), Show3DViewer::apply(), ShowAllViewers::apply(), ShowArbitraryViewer::apply(), ShowAxialViewer::apply(), ShowCoronalViewer::apply(), ShowSagittalViewer::apply(), WarpOut::apply(), RemoveLastInstantiatedAction::apply(), AppendMeshes::apply(), ImageReconstructionAction::apply(), ShowImageIn3D::apply(), SelectLastInstantiatedAction::apply(), ShowAxialSliceIn3D::apply(), ShowCoronalSliceIn3D::apply(), ShowSagittalSliceIn3D::apply(), SphereTopology::apply(), GridTopology::apply(), CenterMesh::apply(), ShowArbitrarySliceIn3D::apply(), ConnectedComponents::apply(), MergeMeshs::apply(), VolumeRenderingAction::apply(), ICPRegistration::apply(), MeshClipping::apply(), MeshProjection::apply(), SaveActionState::applyAction(), ActionState::applyAction(), MeshClipping::changeVisibility(), RigidTransform::close(), ShowFrame::event(), MeshProjection::event(), MonitoringManager::getRefresh(), VolumeRenderingAction::getWidget(), camitk::InteractiveViewer::highlightModeChanged(), MultiPickingWidget::manuallyModified(), MonitoringManager::MonitoringManager(), ReorientImage::process(), InitImagerAction::process(), SingleAcquisition2DAction::process(), SingleAcquisition3DAction::process(), StartImaging2DAction::process(), StartImaging3DAction::process(), StopImaging3DAction::process(), StopImaging2DAction::process(), LaplacianSharpening::process(), LaplacianRecursiveGaussian::process(), GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian::process(), MeanFilter::process(), ManualThreshold::process(), CannyEdgeDetection::process(), GradientMagnitude::process(), MedianFilter::process(), Laplacian::process(), RegionGrowing::process(), SobelEdgeDetection::process(), ConnectedComponents::process(), BoxVOI::process(), Derivative::process(), GaussianFilter::process(), AnisotropicDiffusion::process(), ResampleAction::process(), MorphologicalOperators::process(), BitmapViewer::refresh(), ImpMainWindow::refresh(), PropertyExplorer::refreshAll(), MultiPickingWidget::removePixelFromTable(), MultiPickingWidget::removeSeedNumber(), camitk::InteractiveViewer::renderingActorsChanged(), MeshClipping::restoreMeshes(), FrameEditor::rotate(), GenerateModel::saveMMLFiles(), MonitoringManager::setRefresh(), FrameEditor::setRotation(), FrameEditor::setTransformation(), FrameEditor::setTranslation(), FrameEditor::translate(), MeshClipping::updateBox(), MeshQuality::updateMeshColor(), MonitoringGuiManager::updateRefresh(), and camitk::MainWindow::~MainWindow().

◆ removeProp()

void camitk::removeProp ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp >  p,
bool  refresh = false 

remove the given vtkProp (e.g.

vtkActor or vtkActor2D, such as color scale)

pthe vtkProp to add to the scene
refreshif true the axes are refreshed (default false)

◆ RendererWidget()

camitk::RendererWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr,
ControlMode  mode = RendererWidget::TRACKBALL 


By default:

  • the backface culling is off,
  • the interaction mode is controlling the camera
  • the light follow the camera
  • the logo is shown
  • the gradient background is not shown
parentthe parent widget
modethe mouse interaction control mode (default is TRACKBALL)

◆ RepositionableOn()

colorBarWidget camitk::RepositionableOn ( )

◆ resetCamera() [1/2]

void camitk::resetCamera ( )

reset the camera to the default position, default FOV.

The camera focal is set so that all the things in the scenes are visible (i.e. reset the camera clipping range based on the bounds of the visible actors. This ensures that no props are cut off)

Referenced by camitk::InteractiveViewer::highlightModeChanged().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetCamera() [2/2]

void camitk::resetCamera ( double *  bounds)

reset the camera to the default position, default FOV and use the given bounds to focus on

◆ resetCameraSettings()

void camitk::resetCameraSettings ( )

◆ resetClippingPlanes()

void camitk::resetClippingPlanes ( double *  bounds = nullptr)

reset the camera clipping plane to a given bounding box If no bounds are given, reset to show all visible actors

boundsthe clipping plane will be set to the bounding box [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax]

◆ rightButtonPressed()

void camitk::rightButtonPressed ( )

send when the mouse right button is clicked

◆ rotateCamera()

void camitk::rotateCamera ( double  angle,
int  axe 

Rotate the camera around param "axe" of "angle" degrees.

◆ Scale()

transform camitk::Scale ( 0.  05,
0.  05,
0.  05 

◆ screenshot()

void camitk::screenshot ( QString  filename)

save the screenshot in a file

filenamethe filename extension (suffix) must be supported (use getScreenshotFormatInfo to get the correct extension)

◆ SelectableOn()

colorBarWidget camitk::SelectableOn ( )

◆ setActiveCamera()

void camitk::setActiveCamera ( vtkCamera *  cam)

set active camera

◆ SetAmbient()

acProp camitk::SetAmbient ( )

◆ setAreaPicking()

void camitk::setAreaPicking ( bool  areaPicking)

◆ setBackfaceCulling()

void camitk::setBackfaceCulling ( bool  )

◆ setBackgroundColor() [1/2]

camitk::setBackgroundColor ( 0.  0,
0.  0,
0.  0 

◆ setBackgroundColor() [2/2]

void camitk::setBackgroundColor ( double  ,
double  ,

set the background color (rgb)

◆ SetCallback()

pickingButtonDiverter camitk::SetCallback ( RendererWidget::divertionCallback  )

◆ setCameraOrientation() [1/2]

camitk::setCameraOrientation ( cameraOrientation  )

◆ setCameraOrientation() [2/2]

void camitk::setCameraOrientation ( RendererWidget::CameraOrientation  )

Set the current axes mode.

◆ SetClientData()

pickingButtonDiverter camitk::SetClientData ( controlInteractorStyle  )

◆ SetColor() [1/6]

acProp camitk::SetColor ( ,

◆ SetColor() [2/6]

acProp camitk::SetColor ( ,

◆ SetColor() [3/6]

orientationDecorationsProp camitk::SetColor ( 0.  0,
1.  0,
1.  0 

◆ SetColor() [4/6]

acProp camitk::SetColor ( 0.  18,
0.  28,
0.  23 

◆ SetColor() [5/6]

acProp camitk::SetColor ( 0.  5,

◆ SetColor() [6/6]

acProp camitk::SetColor ( ,

◆ setColorScale()

void camitk::setColorScale ( bool  )

display the color scale in the viewport, use setColorScaleMinMax to change the displayed values

◆ setColorScaleMinMax()

void camitk::setColorScaleMinMax ( double  m,
double  M 

set the min and max values.

mminimum value (blue)
Mmaximum value (red)

◆ setColorScaleTitle()

void camitk::setColorScaleTitle ( QString  t)

set the color scale title.

ttitle of the color scale

◆ setControlMode() [1/2]

void camitk::setControlMode ( ControlMode  mode)

Set the interaction like trackball or joystick style.

◆ setControlMode() [2/2]

camitk::setControlMode ( mode  )

◆ SetDiffuse()

acProp camitk::SetDiffuse ( )

◆ SetEnabled()

logoWidget camitk::SetEnabled ( true  )

◆ SetFaceTextScale()

annotatedCube camitk::SetFaceTextScale ( 0.  65)

◆ SetFileName()

imageReader camitk::SetFileName ( tempLogofile->  fileName).toStdString().c_str()

◆ SetFontFamilyToArial()

axeXTextProp camitk::SetFontFamilyToArial ( )

◆ SetFontSize() [1/2]

orientationDecorationsProp camitk::SetFontSize ( 14  )

◆ SetFontSize() [2/2]

axeXTextProp camitk::SetFontSize ( 20  )

◆ setGradientBackground()

void camitk::setGradientBackground ( bool  )

set the gradient background

◆ setHeightForWidth()

policy camitk::setHeightForWidth ( false  )

◆ SetHueRange()

vtklup camitk::SetHueRange ( 2.0/3.  0,
0.  0 

◆ SetImage()

logoRepresentation camitk::SetImage ( imageReader->  GetOutput())

◆ SetInteractor()

colorBarWidget camitk::SetInteractor ( interactor  )

◆ SetInterpolationToFlat()

acProp camitk::SetInterpolationToFlat ( )

◆ setLightFollowCamera()

void camitk::setLightFollowCamera ( bool  )

Set/unset the light to follow the camera.

◆ SetLineWidth()

acProp camitk::SetLineWidth ( )

◆ setMinimumSize()

camitk::setMinimumSize ( 150  ,

◆ setObjectName()

camitk::setObjectName ( "RendererWidget"  )

◆ setOrientationDecorationsLetters()

void camitk::setOrientationDecorationsLetters ( QString  letters[4])

give the lettres for orientation decoration: Left, Right, Top, Down

◆ setPicker()

void camitk::setPicker ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractPropPicker >  woodyWood)

set the picker to handle the action

woodyWoodthe picker (sorry, I could not resist this one!)

◆ setPointSize()

void camitk::setPointSize ( double  size)

set the default point size

◆ SetPosition()

rep camitk::SetPosition ( 0.  93,
0.  01 

◆ SetPosition2()

rep camitk::SetPosition2 ( 0.  1,
0.  05 

◆ SetRenderWindow()

interactor camitk::SetRenderWindow ( renderWindow  )

◆ SetRepresentation()

logoWidget camitk::SetRepresentation ( logoRepresentation  )

◆ SetShaftTypeToCylinder()

axes camitk::SetShaftTypeToCylinder ( )

◆ SetShowBorderToOff()

logoRepresentation camitk::SetShowBorderToOff ( )

◆ setSizePolicy()

camitk::setSizePolicy ( policy  )

◆ SetTotalLength()

axes camitk::SetTotalLength ( 0.  1,
0.  1,
0.  1 

◆ SetXAxisLabelText()

axes camitk::SetXAxisLabelText ( "x"  )

◆ SetXFaceTextRotation()

annotatedCube camitk::SetXFaceTextRotation ( 90  )

◆ SetXMinusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetXMinusFaceText ( "R"  )

◆ SetXPlusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetXPlusFaceText ( "L"  )

◆ SetYAxisLabelText()

axes camitk::SetYAxisLabelText ( "y"  )

◆ SetYMinusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetYMinusFaceText ( "A"  )

◆ SetYPlusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetYPlusFaceText ( "P"  )

◆ SetZAxisLabelText()

axes camitk::SetZAxisLabelText ( "z"  )

◆ SetZFaceTextRotation()

annotatedCube camitk::SetZFaceTextRotation ( 90  )

◆ SetZMinusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetZMinusFaceText ( "I"  )

◆ SetZPlusFaceText()

annotatedCube camitk::SetZPlusFaceText ( "S"  )

◆ ShadowOff()

orientationDecorationsProp camitk::ShadowOff ( )

◆ ShallowCopy()

axeZTextProp camitk::ShallowCopy ( axeXTextProp  )

◆ startPicking()

void camitk::startPicking ( )

◆ toggleAxes()

void camitk::toggleAxes ( bool  )

display the axes

◆ toggleLogo()

void camitk::toggleLogo ( bool  )

toggle logo

◆ toggleOrientationDecorations()

void camitk::toggleOrientationDecorations ( bool  )

display orientation decorations

◆ toogle3DRedBlue()

void camitk::toogle3DRedBlue ( )

toggle stereo 3D red/blue rendering (you will need red/blue glasses)

◆ Update()

imageReader camitk::Update ( )

◆ updateAxes()

void camitk::updateAxes ( )

update the axes sizes

◆ viewerLessThan()

bool camitk::viewerLessThan ( const camitk::Viewer v1,
const camitk::Viewer v2 

References camitk::Viewer::getName().

Referenced by camitk::Application::sort().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ VisibilityOff()

annotatedCube camitk::VisibilityOff ( )

◆ vtkInstantiatorNewMacro()

camitk::vtkInstantiatorNewMacro ( vtkInteractorStylePick  )

◆ vtkStandardNewMacro()

camitk::vtkStandardNewMacro ( vtkInteractorStylePick  )

◆ ~RendererWidget()

camitk::~RendererWidget ( )


Variable Documentation

◆ acProp

camitk::acProp = annotatedCube->GetCubeProperty()

◆ annotatedCube

vtkSmartPointer< vtkAnnotatedCubeActor > camitk::annotatedCube = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAnnotatedCubeActor>::New()

annotated cube actor

◆ axes

vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxesActor > camitk::axes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxesActor>::New()

axes actor

◆ axeXTextProp

vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> camitk::axeXTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()

◆ axeYTextProp

vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> camitk::axeYTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()

◆ axeZTextProp

vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> camitk::axeZTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()

◆ backfaceCulling

bool camitk::backfaceCulling = false

Is back face culling on?

◆ cameraOrientation

CameraOrientation camitk::cameraOrientation = RIGHT_DOWN

state of the initial camera orientation

◆ colorBarWidget

vtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarWidget > camitk::colorBarWidget = vtkSmartPointer<vtkScalarBarWidget>::New()

the scalar bar widget

◆ colorScale

vtkSmartPointer<vtkScalarBarActor> camitk::colorScale

the color scale displaying the lookup table + values

◆ controlInteractorStyle

vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyle > camitk::controlInteractorStyle = nullptr

for the interaction with the scene

◆ controlMode

ControlMode camitk::controlMode = NONE

current control mode

Referenced by camitk::InteractiveViewer::initSettings().

◆ displayColorScale

bool camitk::displayColorScale = false

is the color scale currently displayed

◆ displayGradient

bool camitk::displayGradient = false

◆ displayLogo

bool camitk::displayLogo = true

is the logo displayed

◆ imageReader

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGReader> camitk::imageReader = vtkPNGReader::New()

◆ interactor

vtkSmartPointer< QVTKInteractor > camitk::interactor = vtkSmartPointer<QVTKInteractor>::New()

◆ lightFollowCamera

bool camitk::lightFollowCamera

Is the light following the camera.

◆ logoRepresentation

vtkSmartPointer<vtkLogoRepresentation> camitk::logoRepresentation = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLogoRepresentation>::New()

◆ logoWidget

vtkSmartPointer< vtkLogoWidget > camitk::logoWidget = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLogoWidget>::New()

logo widget

◆ orientationDecorationActors

camitk::orientationDecorationActors ( )

annotated cube text actors

◆ orientationDecorationLetters

camitk::orientationDecorationLetters[3] = "R"

◆ orientationDecorationsProp

camitk::orientationDecorationsProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New()

◆ orientationDecorationsTextMapper

vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextMapper> camitk::orientationDecorationsTextMapper[4]

annotated cube text

◆ pickingButtonDiverter

vtkSmartPointer< vtkCallbackCommand > camitk::pickingButtonDiverter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCallbackCommand>::New()

the callback to remove left button interaction while in picking mode

◆ pickingDiverter

bool camitk::pickingDiverter = false

is the picking diverter used

◆ pickInteractorStyle

vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStylePick > camitk::pickInteractorStyle = vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStylePick>::New()

picking interactor

◆ pointSize

double camitk::pointSize = 4.0

default point size

◆ renderer

vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > camitk::renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New()

The current renderer.

Referenced by VolumeRenderingAction::createVolumeRendering().

◆ rendering3DRedBlue

bool camitk::rendering3DRedBlue = false

is rendering in 3D stereo red/blue

◆ renderWindow

vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> camitk::renderWindow = GetRenderWindow()

◆ rep

vtkScalarBarRepresentation* camitk::rep = vtkScalarBarRepresentation::SafeDownCast(colorBarWidget->GetRepresentation())

◆ tempLogofile

QTemporaryFile* camitk::tempLogofile = QTemporaryFile::createNativeFile(logoFile)

◆ transform

vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> camitk::transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New()

◆ vtklup

vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowLevelLookupTable> camitk::vtklup = vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowLevelLookupTable>::New()