CamiTK action state machine

The replay user-friendly application

This application takes an action pipeline (SCXML) file and plays it back. It is a wizard-type application that guides the user through predefined tasks (always the same, always in the same order) with predefined values (that might be changed interactively by the user).


If you want to use CamiTK Action State Machine for your project, check the documentation below.

This documentation is a contribution from a group of Polytech Health Information Technology students.

Action State Machine user guide

If you want to use an automatic execution protocol for your actions like the Action State Machine (ASM), this guide can help you.

Create the action state machine document

If you want to generate a model for your ASM, it is possible to record your actions executed in CamiTK into a .xml document. To do so, you have to execute your actions in CamiTK, and once you have finished, click on File → Save History.


A .xml file is generated, save it. Your ASM can be saved for example in an ASM subdirectory in your CEP source tree project (ex : Exploranat).


Now, you can open this file and use it like a model for your ASM. However, this file is only a model, using it without any modification is not possible: it probably won’t work.

Start the action state machine

To start from the command line your ASM just type:

camitk-actionstatemachine -f /path/to/Exploranat/ASM/protocole.xml -o /tmp

or run the application and select the corresponding file in the GUI.

Your ASM starts automatically:


If you have developed your own extensions, either installed them in the proper extension repository or run the action state machine application from your build directory:

cd /path/to/myCEP-build-dir
camitk-actionstatemachine -f /path/to/Exploranat/ASM/protocole.xml -o /tmp

A commented example of camitk action state machine .xml document (scxml)