Creating your own specific application

A little not about creating your own application

Creating your own CamiTK application is probably not what you want to do first. It is also not what you need to do either (at least in 95% of the use cases that we have seen so far in the projects that use CamiTK).

The already provided CamiTK imp application is highly customizable, features a lot of use cases that you will need to replicate (menu, history recording, preference settings, …), and can also be customizable thanks to the fact that all the viewers are in docks (that you can move or remove as you see fit).

The already provided CamiTK action state machine application provides an easy way to distribute a pipeline of actions and activities so that an “normal” user is at ease and can just be guided through a list of steps of your specific project workflow.

Therefore, we recommend you to make user that neither camitk-imp nor camitk-actionstatemachine applications feet your need before your engage into developing a new application.

If you still think you need to do your own application, please do not hesitate contact us through Gitlab issues in order to discuss it with us (this might be because of missing functionalities that will benefit everyone if we could include them in the existing app). You can also check the tutorials CEP to find some example source code on how to develop a new CamiTK application.