Configuring / CMaking

[KDevelop Error] Kdevelop 4.3 crash when you try to import CamiTK project (Ubuntu 12.04)

With some configuration, KDevelop seems to crash because the parser failed to read the CMakeList when you try to import the project in. The first thing to do is to check if you can obtain a version of KDevelop in the package manager of your Linux distribution.

If this solution failed or is not possible, a second trick is to download and compile sources of a trustable KDevelop and Kdevplatform. For example, in case of Ubuntu 12.04, KDevelop 4.4.1 for Ubuntu 12.10 seems to work. Go to to the KDevelop website, download sources and follow these helpful instructions ! Assuming this stage success, you will be able to import CamiTK project in KDevelop.

[CMake error][Visual Studio 10 Win64] The C compiler identification is unknown

Your installation of the Windows 7.1 SDK on Visual Studio 2010 is broken since you (or your computer in your back) have installed the 7.1 SDK SP1, which breaks up the x64 compiler. Solution: Download and install this patch for Windows 7.1 SDK x64 compiler, click download and select VC-Compiler-KB2519277.exe


[Compilation error] Error C2752 or/and C2528 on VS2010 when compiling modeling CEP

The problem comes from the additional templates that were added to Visual Studio 2010. To fix it, std::make_pair, which doesn’t always work has to be changed to pair<>. Remplace in the file MMLMonitorDisplayFactory.h (lines 63 and 82).

     mapObjectCreator.insert( std::make_pair<std::string,CreateMonitorDisplayFunctionPointer>(id, &createTheMonitorDisplay<C> ) );


      mapObjectCreator.insert( std::pair<std::string,CreateMonitorDisplayFunctionPointer>(id, &createTheMonitorDisplay<C> ) );