Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2
VtkImageComponent Class Reference

This class manage vtk images, i.e images that can be loaded in CamiTK by using an VTK importer. More...

#include <VtkImageComponent.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for VtkImageComponent:
+ Collaboration diagram for VtkImageComponent:

Public Member Functions

 VtkImageComponent (const QString &)
 default constructor: give it the name of the file containing the data This method may throw an AbortException if a problem occurs. More...
virtual ~VtkImageComponent ()=default
 needed for deleting More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::ImageComponent
double getActualMaxColor () const
 Max gray level found in the image given its data type. More...
double getActualMinColor () const
 Min gray level found in the image given its data type. More...
int getActualNumberOfColors () const
 Actual Number of colors: difference betweent the maximun and the minimum gray levels found in the image. More...
ArbitrarySingleImageComponentgetArbitrarySlices ()
 Returns the arbitrary slice. More...
SingleImageComponentgetAxialSlices ()
 Returns the axial slice. More...
SingleImageComponentgetCoronalSlices ()
 Returns the coronal slice. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > getImageData () const override
 get the image volume managed by this Component More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > getImageDataWithFrameTransform ()
 Compute a copy of the original image data on which the frame transform has been applied. More...
QString getImageName () const
 getter/setter for the property More...
ImageOrientationHelper::PossibleImageOrientations getInitialOrientation () const
 Get the initial image orientation. More...
void getLastPixelPicked (int *x, int *y, int *z)
 Get the last pixel picked using CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT CLICK in voxel index (i, j, k) indicates the voxel index (no notion of voxel size) More...
void getLastPointPickedImageCoords (double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get the last point picked using CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT CLICK in image real coordinates (this takes into account voxel size) More...
void getLastPointPickedWorldCoords (double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Get Get the last point picked using CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT CLICK in world coordinates This takes into account voxel size and image origin (and possible image rigid transforms). More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable > getLut ()
 get the current lookup table More...
virtual const vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable > getLut () const
 get the current lookup table (const version) More...
double getMaxColor () const
 Max possible gray level of the image given its data type. More...
double getMinColor () const
 Min possible gray level of the image given its data type. More...
int getNumberOfColors () const override
 Number of colors: number of possible gray levels in the image computed from the min and the max of the data type ; e.g. More...
int getNumberOfSlices () const override
 Number of axial slices (i.e. More...
const vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > getRotationMatrix ()
SingleImageComponentgetSagittalSlices ()
 Returns the sagittal slice. More...
MeshComponentgetVolumeRenderingChild ()
 Returns the MeshComponent which will contain the volume rendering actor. More...
 ImageComponent (const QString &file)
 constructor This method may throw an AbortException if a problem occurs. More...
 ImageComponent (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > anImageData, const QString &name, bool copy=false, ImageOrientationHelper::PossibleImageOrientations initialOrientation=ImageOrientationHelper::RAI)
 Creates an ImageComponent from a vtkImageData This method may throw an AbortException if a problem occurs. More...
void pixelPicked (double x, double y, double z) override
 Method called when a pixel has been picked in the 3D view. More...
void refresh () override
 force refresh of all interactive viewers that are displaying sub-components as ImageComponent is not itself displayed by any viewer More...
virtual void replaceImageData (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > anImageData, bool copy=false, ImageOrientationHelper::PossibleImageOrientations initialOrientation=ImageOrientationHelper::RAI)
 Replaces the current image volume by the one given in parameters. More...
void setImageName (const QString &)
virtual void setLut (vtkSmartPointer< vtkWindowLevelLookupTable > lookupTable)
 Update the lookup table of the image viewer (see InterfaceBitMap). More...
void setSelected (const bool b, const bool recursive=false) override
 set selected will select all the Image components (axial, sagittal and coronal). More...
virtual void setVisibility (QString, bool) override
 set the visibility inside the viewer of the given name (override required to manage the specific case of the 3D viewer) More...
 ~ImageComponent () override
 Destructor. More...
void updateProperty (QString, QVariant) override
unsigned int getNumberOfPropertyWidget () override
 return number of tabs in property explorer: there is more than one widget More...
QWidget * getPropertyWidgetAt (unsigned int i) override
 get the property widget (to view as tabs in the property explorer): the default property widget and the selection view More...
virtual QVariant toVariant () const override
virtual void fromVariant (const QVariant &) override
 Load data from a QVariant to initialize the current object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::Component
 Component (QString file, QString name, Representation rep=NO_REPRESENTATION)
 Component constructor for top-level component (please use the other constructor for sub-level components). More...
 Component (Component *parentComponent, const QString &name, Representation rep=NO_REPRESENTATION)
 Component constructor for a Component that is a child of another Component You should not use this constructor for a top-level component. More...
 ~Component () override
 default destructor. More...
Representation getRepresentation () const
 return the type of representation concretely implemented by this Component in the InteractiveViewer. More...
bool isTopLevel () const
 return true if this component is a top-level component More...
ComponentgetParentComponent ()
 get the parent component More...
ComponentgetTopLevelComponent ()
 get the top-level component More...
InterfaceFramegetFrame ()
 get the associated frame More...
virtual void setModified (bool modified=true)
 set the modified flag More...
virtual bool getModified () const
 set the modified flag More...
virtual bool getVisibility (QString) const
 get the visibility inside the viewer of the given name More...
virtual bool isSelected () const
 Check if this data component is selected. More...
const QString getFileName () const
 get the file name where the data have to be stored/were stored More...
void setFileName (const QString &)
 set the file name where the data have to be stored More...
bool event (QEvent *e) override
 Overriden from QObject, this one is only intercepting signal for dynamic property changed (see constructor). More...
QMenu * getActionMenu ()
 Get a QMenu that contains all the action that can be applied to this component. More...
QStringList getHierarchy () const override
bool isInstanceOf (QString className) const override
 Assert that a Component instance really inherits from a given className. More...
QObject * getPropertyObject () override
 Get the property object that could be understood by PropertyEditor. More...
const QObject * getPropertyObject () const override
void setIndexOfPropertyExplorerTab (unsigned int index) override final
 Set the index of the tab in the ProperlyExplorer to select for display. More...
unsigned int getIndexOfPropertyExplorerTab () override
 Get the index of the tab in the ProperlyExplorer to select for display. More...
Q_INVOKABLE camitk::PropertygetProperty (QString name) override
 Get a Property given its name. More...
bool addProperty (Property *) override
 Add a new CamiTK property to the component. More...
void removeChild (InterfaceNode *) override
 remove a child node. More...
void setParent (InterfaceNode *) override
 set the parent Component. More...
bool doubleClicked () override
 This method is called each time the InterfaceNode is double clicked by the user. More...
void addChild (InterfaceNode *) override
 add a child Component (sub item in the hierarchy), and modify the child's parent to be equal to this instance More...
void attachChild (InterfaceNode *) override
 add a child Component (but leave its parent unchanged) More...
void deleteChildren () override final
 delete all sub Component, but do not delete the pointer (only the top-level component has the right to do that) More...
QString getName () const override
 get the name to be displayed More...
void setName (const QString &) override
 set the name to be displayed More...
const ComponentListgetChildren () override
 get the list of the InterfaceNode children (sub items in the hierarchy) More...
InterfaceNodegetParent () override
 get the parent Component More...
QPixmap getIcon () override
 Get the pixmap that will be displayed for this node. More...
void setNodeModified (bool) override final
 Set up the node modification flag. More...
bool getNodeModified () const override
 Get the current modification flag. More...
bool inItalic () const override
 A component name is not displayed in italic by default. More...
QMenu * getPopupMenu (QWidget *parent=nullptr) override
 get the popup menu to display (always return nullptr, overwrite this method if you want to give here you own popup) More...
const QString getLabel () const override
void setLabel (QString newName) override
 set the string used to display the label, do the same as setName More...
 delegateGet0 (myGeometry, getPointSet, vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >) delegate1(myGeometry
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > delegate1 (myGeometry, setPointData, vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray >) delegateConstGet0(myGeometry
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput > delegate1 (myGeometry, setDataConnection, vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput >) delegateGet1(myGeometry
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput > const RenderingModes delegate1 (myGeometry, setColorMode, int) vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > getProp(const QString &param) override
unsigned int getNumberOfProp () const override
 return the number of additional prop More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > getProp (unsigned int index) override
 return an additional prop by its index More...
bool addProp (const QString &name, vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > prop) override
 insert an additional prop, defining it by its name (default visibility = false) More...
bool removeProp (const QString &name) override
 remove a given additional prop. More...
void pointPicked (vtkIdType, bool) override
 an inherited class can redefine this method something specific. More...
void cellPicked (vtkIdType, bool) override
 an inherited class can redefine this method something specific. More...
void getBounds (double *bounds) override
 compute the object's bounding box [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax], see Component.cpp More...
double getBoundingRadius () override
 compute the object's bounding sphere radius, More...
 delegate4 (myGeometry, setPointPosition, const unsigned int, const double, const double, const double) delegateAndInvokeChildren1(myGeometry
const RenderingModes const InterfaceGeometry::RenderingModes getRenderingModes () const override
 see Component.cpp More...
 delegateAndInvokeChildren1 (myGeometry, setEnhancedModes, const EnhancedModes) virtual const EnhancedModes getEnhancedModes() const override
 delegateAndInvokeChildren1Array (myGeometry, setActorColor, const RenderingModes, double, 4) delegateAndInvokeChildren4(myGeometry
const const const const double void getActorColor (const RenderingModes, double[4]) const override
 see Component.cpp More...
 delegateAndInvokeChildren3 (myGeometry, setColor, const double, const double, const double) delegateAndInvokeChildren4(myGeometry
const const const const double delegateAndInvokeChildren2 (myGeometry, setActorOpacity, const RenderingModes, const double) delegateConstGet1(myGeometry
const const const const double const RenderingModes delegateAndInvokeChildren1 (myGeometry, setOpacity, const double) delegate2(myGeometry
const const const const double const RenderingModes double delegate1 (myGeometry, setTexture, vtkSmartPointer< vtkTexture >) void setGlyphType(const GlyphTypes type
virtual void setLinesAsTubes (bool isTubes=true, bool radiusFromLength=true, double radiusFactor=1.0/40.0, int numberOfSides=5) override
 Set the lines as tubes (works only for vtkDataSet representation that contains lines) More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > delegate1 (mySlice, setOriginalVolume, vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >) delegateConstGet0(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > delegateConstGet0 (mySlice, get3DImageActor, vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >) delegateConstGet0(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > delegateGet0 (mySlice, getPixelActor, vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >) delegate3(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double delegate0 (mySlice, updatePickPlane) delegate1(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double int delegate3 (mySlice, setSlice, double, double, double) delegateConstGet0(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double int int delegate3 (mySlice, setPixelRealPosition, double, double, double) delegate1(mySlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double int int vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > delegate1 (mySlice, setArbitraryTransform, vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform >) int getNumberOfSlices() const override
 see Component.cpp More...
int getSlice () const override
 see Component.cpp More...
const QString & getFrameName () const override
 Hierarchy accessors / Modifyers. More...
 delegate1 (myFrame, setFrameName, QString) InterfaceFrame *getParentFrame() const override
void setParentFrame (InterfaceFrame *frame, bool keepTransform=true) override
 Set the parent frame and update or not its transform during the parent transition. More...
const QVector< InterfaceFrame * > & getChildrenFrame () const override
 Get the Children Frames from the current Frame in the Frame Hierarchy The Frame hierarchy may not be the same as the Component Hierarchy. More...
const vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > getTransformFromWorld () const override
 Transforms accessors / Modifyers. More...
const vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > getTransform () const override
 Get the transformation with respect to the parent frame. More...
const vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > getTransformFromFrame (InterfaceFrame *frame) const override
 Compute the transformation from any other frame to the current frame. More...
 delegate1 (myFrame, setTransform, vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform >) delegate0(myFrame
resetTransform delegate3 (myFrame, translate, double, double, double) delegate3(myFrame
resetTransform double delegate3 (myFrame, rotateVTK, double, double, double) delegate3(myFrame
resetTransform double double delegate3 (myFrame, setTransformTranslationVTK, double, double, double) delegate3(myFrame
resetTransform double double double delegate3 (myFrame, setTransformRotationVTK, double, double, double) vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxesActor > getFrameAxisActor() override
 delegate2 (myFrame, setFrameVisibility, QString, bool) bool getFrameVisibility(QString) const override
 delegate1 (myFrame, addFrameChild, InterfaceFrame *) delegate1(myFrame
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::InterfaceProperty
 ~InterfaceProperty ()=default
 empty virtual destructor, to avoid memory leak More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::InterfaceNode
virtual ~InterfaceNode ()=default
 empty virtual destructor, to avoid memory leak More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::InterfaceGeometry
virtual ~InterfaceGeometry ()=default
 empty virtual destructor, to avoid memory leak More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > getPointSet ()=0
virtual void setPointSet (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)=0
 set the low-level data set. More...
virtual void setPointData (vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray >)=0
 set the point data (may contains a lookup table). More...
virtual void setMeshWorldTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform >)=0
 set the transformation for 3D representation More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput > getDataPort () const =0
 get the custom algorithm pipeline input. More...
virtual void setDataConnection (vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput >)=0
 Set/reset the connection for the InterfaceGeometry internal algorithm. More...
virtual void setTexture (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTexture >)=0
 Set a texture to this object. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > getActor (const RenderingModes)=0
 Return the actor for the representation mode, NULL if the actor doesn't exist. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > getProp (const QString &)=0
 Return the vtkProp (actors, volumes and annotations) corresponding to the given name. More...
virtual void setPointPosition (const unsigned int orderNumber, const double x, const double y, const double z)=0
 set a given point position More...
virtual void setRenderingModes (const RenderingModes)=0
virtual void setEnhancedModes (const EnhancedModes)=0
 set the enhanced mode More...
virtual const EnhancedModes getEnhancedModes () const =0
 get the current enhanced mode More...
virtual void setActorColor (const RenderingModes, double *color)=0
 Set the color of given representation modes. More...
virtual void setActorColor (const RenderingModes, const double, const double, const double)=0
 Set the color of given representation modes. More...
virtual void getActorColor (const RenderingModes mode, double *color) const =0
 Get the color of given representation modes in the second parameter. More...
virtual void setColor (const double, const double, const double)=0
 Set an (r,g,b) color to all representation modes, without changing the opacity. More...
virtual void setColor (const double, const double, const double, const double)=0
 Set an (r,g,b,a) color to all representation modes. More...
virtual void setActorOpacity (const RenderingModes, const double)=0
 Set the opacity of this representation modes. WARNING color field (surfaceColor, ...) are not modified! More...
virtual double getActorOpacity (const RenderingModes) const =0
 Return the opacity of a given renderng mode. More...
virtual void setOpacity (const double)=0
 Set the opacity of this object. WARNING color field (surfaceColor, ...) are not modified! More...
virtual void setMapperScalarRange (double min, double max)=0
 Set the mapper scalar range. More...
virtual void setGlyphType (const GlyphTypes type, const double size=0.0)=0
 Set the glyph type (a glyph is a geometric representation attached to every point in the input dataset). More...
virtual void setColorMode (int vtkColorMode=VTK_COLOR_MODE_DEFAULT)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::InterfaceBitMap
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > get2DImageActor () const =0
 Return the vtkImageActor (vtkProp) representing a slice to be displayed in 2D viewers. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > get3DImageActor () const =0
 Return the vtkImageActor (vtkProp) representing a slice to be displayed in 3D viewers. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > getPickPlaneActor () const =0
 Return the vtkActor used to pick pixels in the slices. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > getPixelActor ()=0
 Return the vtkActor used to pick pixels in the slices. More...
virtual void setArbitraryTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform >)=0
 Set the pointer to the image transformation. More...
virtual void setImageWorldTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform >)=0
 set the transformation for 3D image representation More...
virtual void setOriginalVolume (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >)=0
 set the original volume image data (the source vtkImageData before any reslice) and refresh the vtk pipeline More...
virtual void setPixelRealPosition (double, double, double)=0
 move the pixel selection green indicator (pixelActor) to the given real position More...
virtual void setSlice (double x, double y, double z)=0
 Set the slice corresponding to the given image coordinates (in RAI convention) More...
virtual void setSlice (int s)=0
 Set the current slice index. More...
virtual void updatePickPlane ()=0
 update the position of the plane surrounding the currently selected slice More...
virtual ~InterfaceBitMap ()=default
 virtual destructor More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > getProp (const QString &)=0
 Return the vtkProp (actors, volumes and annotations) corresponding to the given name. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from camitk::InterfaceFrame
virtual void addFrameChild (InterfaceFrame *frame)=0
 Add the input frame as a child of the current frame. More...
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxesActor > getFrameAxisActor ()=0
 Gives the 3D representation of the frame (based on xyz arrows) More...
virtual bool getFrameVisibility (QString) const =0
 Get the Component Frame visibility for a given viewer. More...
virtual void removeFrameChild (InterfaceFrame *frame)=0
 Remove the input frame as a child of the current frame. More...
virtual void setFrameVisibility (QString, bool)=0
 Set the Component Frame visible for a given viewer. More...
virtual ~InterfaceFrame ()=default
 empty virtual destructor, to avoid memory leak More...
virtual void setFrameName (QString name)=0
 Set the Frame Unique identifyer. More...
virtual InterfaceFramegetParentFrame () const =0
 Get the parent frame. More...
virtual void setTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > transform)=0
 Set the current input frame position (according to its parent Frame) More...
virtual void resetTransform ()=0
 Set the current frame transform to identity. More...
virtual void translate (double x, double y, double z)=0
 Apply a translation relative to the current position. More...
virtual void rotate (double aroundX, double aroundY, double aroundZ)=0
 Apply rotations relative to the current position in the alphabetical order (X, Y, Z). More...
virtual void rotateVTK (double aroundX, double aroundY, double aroundZ)=0
 Apply a rotation relative to the current position, using the VTK rotation order (Z, X, Y) More...
virtual void setTransformTranslation (double x, double y, double z)=0
 Set the translation part of the 3D space transformation of the current frame. More...
virtual void setTransformTranslationVTK (double x, double y, double z)=0
 Set the translation part of the 3D space transformation of the current frame. More...
virtual void setTransformRotation (double aroundX, double aroundY, double aroundZ)=0
 Set the rotation part of the 3D space transformation of the current frame. More...
virtual void setTransformRotationVTK (double aroundX, double aroundY, double aroundZ)=0
 Set the rotation part of the 3D space transformation of the current frame. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from camitk::Component
enum  Representation { GEOMETRY , SLICE , NO_REPRESENTATION }
 The different representation that can be implemented to represent this Component in the InteractiveViewer. More...
- Public Types inherited from camitk::InterfaceGeometry
enum  EnhancedMode { Normal = 0x0 , Hidden = 0x1 , Shaded = 0x2 , Highlighted = 0x4 }
 (and QFlags EnhancedModes) handle the way the rendering actors will be enhanced or not (from completely hidden to highlighted) More...
enum  GlyphType { NoGlyph = 0x0 , Sphere = 0x1 }
 (and QFlags GlyphTypes) is the type of glyph attached to the geometry representation More...
enum  RenderingMode { None = 0x0 , Surface = 0x1 , Wireframe = 0x2 , Points = 0x4 }
 (and QFlags RenderingModes) handle actor rendering options (render this InterfaceGeometry as a surface, a wireframe and set of points). More...
- Public Attributes inherited from camitk::Component
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > getDataPort
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput > getActor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > vtkSmartPointer< vtkAlgorithmOutput > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >
const RenderingModes
const const double
const const const double
const double
const const const const double getActorOpacity
const const const const double double
const const const const double const RenderingModes setMapperScalarRange
const const const const double const RenderingModes double
const const const const double const RenderingModes double const double size = 0.0) override
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > get2DImageActor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > getPickPlaneActor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > pixelPicked
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double setSlice
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double int getNumberOfColors
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > double int int setImageWorldTransform
resetTransform rotate
resetTransform double
resetTransform double setTransformTranslation
resetTransform double double
resetTransform double double setTransformRotation
resetTransform double double double
- Protected Member Functions inherited from camitk::ImageComponent
void setImageData (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > anImageData, bool copy, ImageOrientationHelper::PossibleImageOrientations initialOrientation=ImageOrientationHelper::RAI, vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > initialTransformMatrix=nullptr)
 Set the image data of the volumic images with the given orientation options. More...
void setSingleImageComponents (SingleImageComponent *axialSlices, SingleImageComponent *sagittalSlices, SingleImageComponent *coronalSlices, ArbitrarySingleImageComponent *arbitrarySlices)
 Set all single images. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from camitk::Component
ComponentList childrenComponent
 The explorer sub items. More...
unsigned int indexOfPropertyExplorerTab
 The PropertyExplorer tab index to select once refreshed. More...
bool isSelectedFlag
 tells if this particular Component is selected or not More...
bool modifiedFlag
 the modification flag (could be extended to manage a undo/redo list) More...
QString myFileName
 the file name from which the Component is loaded More...
 myFrame is the pose (position and orientation) of the Component in the world frame, the Component delegates all InterfaceFrame activity to myFrame (delegation pattern) More...
 myGeometry is the 3d representation of this Component, the Component delegates all InterfaceGeometry activity to myGeometry (delegation pattern) More...
 who is the boss? The Component! More...
 mySlice is the slice representation of this data component, the Component delegates all InterfaceBitMap activity to mySlice (delegation pattern) More...

Detailed Description

This class manage vtk images, i.e images that can be loaded in CamiTK by using an VTK importer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VtkImageComponent()

VtkImageComponent::VtkImageComponent ( const QString &  fileName)

default constructor: give it the name of the file containing the data This method may throw an AbortException if a problem occurs.

◆ ~VtkImageComponent()

virtual VtkImageComponent::~VtkImageComponent ( )

needed for deleting

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: