Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2

The components of the CamiTK SDK. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Components:


 The component MSH allows users to handle .msh files.
 The component Obj allows users to handle .obj files.
 The component Off allows users to handle .off files.
 The component Vrml allows users to handle .vrml files.
 Vtkimage components allows one to handle several camitk::ImageComponent supported by VTK.
 Vtkmesh components allows one to handle several camitk::MeshComponent supported by VTK.
 STL component is based on camitk::MeshComponent to include STL file format in CamiTK.

Detailed Description

The components of the CamiTK SDK.

CamiTK components describe data structure and therefore are used to represent the data logic. The Component class implements four interfaces, which gather the different possibilities of a component in order to provide the service layer. See the Component class to have more details.