Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2
RendererWidget.h File Reference
#include "CamiTKAPI.h"
#include "ScreenshotFormatInfo.h"
#include <vtkVersion.h>
#include <CamiTKDisableWarnings>
#include <QVTKInteractor.h>
#include <CamiTKReEnableWarnings>
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enum  camitk::CameraOrientation {
  camitk::RIGHT_DOWN , camitk::LEFT_UP , camitk::RIGHT_UP , camitk::LEFT_BACK ,
 RendererWidget implements all support methods to use camiTK with Qt interface. More...
enum  camitk::MouseButtonState { camitk::NO_BUTTON , camitk::LEFT_BUTTON , camitk::MIDDLE_BUTTON , camitk::RIGHT_BUTTON }
 state of the pressed button (for 3 buttons mouse) More...


void camitk::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse move handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
void camitk::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse press handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
void camitk::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
 mouse release handler overriden to manage different version of VTK More...
 camitk::RendererWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr, ControlMode mode=RendererWidget::TRACKBALL)
 constructors. More...
 camitk::~RendererWidget () override
 destructor More...
picking and interaction

to manage interactions

void camitk::actorPicked (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPicker >)
void camitk::endPicking ()
 end picking More...
ControlMode camitk::getControlMode () const
 get the current control mode More...
void camitk::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override
 key events (do nothing but pass on e to the parent widget), please do not add any shortcut management here (see note in implementation)! More...
void camitk::pick ()
 Perform picking using the current mouse position. More...
void camitk::pickActor (int, int)
 Perform picking from screen coordinates. More...
void camitk::refresh ()
 refresh the display More...
void camitk::rightButtonPressed ()
 send when the mouse right button is clicked More...
void camitk::screenshot (QString filename)
 save the screenshot in a file More...
void camitk::setAreaPicking (bool areaPicking)
void camitk::setControlMode (ControlMode mode)
 Set the interaction like trackball or joystick style. More...
void camitk::setPicker (vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractPropPicker > woodyWood)
 set the picker to handle the action More...
void camitk::startPicking ()
add/manipulate actors
void camitk::actorTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor >, double *, int, double **, double *, double *)
 perform the transformation of the actor More...
void camitk::addProp (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > p, bool refresh=false)
 add a vtkActor or vtkActor2D, updating the cull face depending on the current state. More...
bool camitk::containsProp (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp >)
 is the given vtkProp (e.g. vtkActor or vtkActor2D) in this renderer More...
void camitk::removeProp (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > p, bool refresh=false)
 remove the given vtkProp (e.g. More...
callback and interaction

manage connections between vtk objets events and qt slots

static void camitk::divertionCallback (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
 a diverter observer callback (to be used to divert undesired events) More...


extra actors managements

is the gradient background displayed

vtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarActor > camitk::colorScale
 the color scale displaying the lookup table + values More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor2D > camitk::orientationDecorationActors [4]
 annotated cube text actors More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextMapper > camitk::orientationDecorationsTextMapper [4]
 annotated cube text More...

view/camera settings

Reset camera settings (position, what is looked at and how)

void camitk::computeVisiblePropBounds (double *bounds)
 get the bounding box of all visible actors [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax] More...
vtkCamera * camitk::getActiveCamera ()
 get the active camera More...
bool camitk::getBackfaceCulling () const
 Get the current state of backface culling. More...
void camitk::getBackgroundColor (double &, double &, double &)
 get the background color (rgb) More...
RendererWidget::CameraOrientation camitk::getCameraOrientation () const
 Return the current axes mode. More...
void camitk::getCameraSettings (double *position, double *focalPoint, double *viewUp)
 get camera settings information (position, what is looked at and how) in world coordinates More...
bool camitk::getColorScale () const
 get the color display state More...
bool camitk::getFxaaAntialiasing () const
 Get the current state of FXAA Antialiasing in renderer. More...
bool camitk::getGradientBackground ()
 get the current state of the gradient background More...
bool camitk::getLightFollowCamera () const
 Get the current state of the property. More...
void camitk::getMouse3DCoordinates (double &x, double &y, double &z)
 get the mouse coordinates in 3D More...
double camitk::getPointSize () const
 get the current value of point size More...
bool camitk::lightFollowCamera
 Is the light following the camera. More...
void camitk::resetCamera ()
 reset the camera to the default position, default FOV. More...
void camitk::resetCamera (double *bounds)
 reset the camera to the default position, default FOV and use the given bounds to focus on More...
void camitk::resetCameraSettings ()
void camitk::resetClippingPlanes (double *bounds=nullptr)
 reset the camera clipping plane to a given bounding box If no bounds are given, reset to show all visible actors More...
void camitk::rotateCamera (double angle, int axe)
 Rotate the camera around param "axe" of "angle" degrees. More...
void camitk::setActiveCamera (vtkCamera *cam)
 set active camera More...
void camitk::setBackfaceCulling (bool)
void camitk::setBackgroundColor (double, double, double)
 set the background color (rgb) More...
void camitk::setCameraOrientation (RendererWidget::CameraOrientation)
 Set the current axes mode. More...
void camitk::setColorScale (bool)
 display the color scale in the viewport, use setColorScaleMinMax to change the displayed values More...
void camitk::setColorScaleMinMax (double m, double M)
 set the min and max values. More...
void camitk::setColorScaleTitle (QString t)
 set the color scale title. More...
void camitk::setFxaaAntialiasing (bool)
 Set/unset FXAA Antialiasing in renderer. More...
void camitk::setGradientBackground (bool)
 set the gradient background More...
void camitk::setLightFollowCamera (bool)
 Set/unset the light to follow the camera. More...
void camitk::setOrientationDecorationsLetters (QString letters[4])
 give the lettres for orientation decoration: Left, Right, Top, Down More...
void camitk::setPointSize (double size)
 set the default point size More...
void camitk::toggleAxes (bool)
 display the axes More...
void camitk::toggleLogo (bool)
 toggle logo More...
void camitk::toggleOrientationDecorations (bool)
 display orientation decorations More...
void camitk::toogle3DRedBlue ()
 toggle stereo 3D red/blue rendering (you will need red/blue glasses) More...
void camitk::updateAxes ()
 update the axes sizes More...