Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2
Volume rendering

Compute a 3D represention of the volumic image. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Volume rendering:


class  ColorPointWidget
 This widget handle specifically the color of each voxel (R, G, B) in the output rendered image. More...
class  GradientOpacityWidget
 This widget handle specifically the gradient opacity in the output image. More...
class  TransparencyPointWidget
 This widget handle specifically the transparency in the output image. More...
class  VolumeRenderingAction
 This action perform a volume rendering. More...
class  VolumeRenderingExtension
 The volume rendering action extension. More...
class  VolumeRenderingWidget
 The widget allows the user to select the desired parameter for the transfer function. More...

Detailed Description

Compute a 3D represention of the volumic image.

This camitk::Action uses ray casting to compute a 3D reprensentation of the volumic image. Typically, this action take a gray-level camitk::ImageComponent as an input to produce a 3D colored image.

The image computed is displayed in the 3D viewer.

To color the produced image, a transfer function is used to compute the corresponding (gray-level) => (R,G,B,alpha) values for each voxel of the image. This transfer function parameters can be adjusted thanks to the action widget.

The transfer function adjustement.