Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2

The basic image actions of the CamiTK SDK. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Image:


 Arbitrary Slice
 A basic action allowing you to select the arbitray slice on your camitk::ImageComponent.
 Crop Volume
 A basic action allowing you to crop a volume within a camitk::ImageComponent.
 Look Up Table (LUT)
 The look up table of a volumic image.
 The multipicking action.
 Mesh reconstruction from a volumic image using Marching Cube algorithm.
 Show in 3D
 Display or not, the selected slices of the volumic image within the 3D viewer.
 Volume rendering
 Compute a 3D represention of the volumic image.

Detailed Description

The basic image actions of the CamiTK SDK.

The camitk::Action image actions features bacic actions working on volumic image (camitk::ImageComponent)