Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2

MML gathers the LML and PML information into one single XML file. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for MML:


class  AndMultipleCriterion
 A AndMultipleCriterion is a MultipleCriterion where a call of checkCriteria methof is true if every single Criterion of the Criteria vector is reached. More...
class  AnsysBatch
 Ansys batch file handler. More...
class  AnsysBatchWriter
 Ansys batch writer helps to write a part of a batch file. More...
class  AnsysSimulator
 Simulator class to use Ansys as simulation engine. More...
class  AnsysWidget
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  ArtisynthSimulator
 Simulator class to use Artisynth as simulation engine. More...
class  AtomIterator
 Allow iteration over a set of atoms given by a target list (component name or index list) More...
class  Chrono
 Elapsed real-time timer. More...
class  Criterion
 Class which represents a simple criterion A criterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the criterion is reach A criterion calculate a set of double (values) wich is checked by a method (method) to make the boolean assessment of checkCriterion. More...
class  CriterionFactory
 A factory to create criterion. More...
class  Facet
 Class facet to hold and compare facet This class is used for the extraction of external surface during importation of simulator specific files. More...
class  ForceCriterion
 A simple criterion based on force calculation. More...
class  InteractiveMonitoringManager
 Interactice managers are managers linked with an interactive simulator. More...
class  InteractiveSimulator
 An interactive simulator is a simulator that we can control step by step (ex: Sofa) More...
class  kineticEnergy
 A simple criterion based on Kinetic energy calculation. More...
class  Method
 A Method represent how to make the boolean assessment with criteria data (a vector of double) More...
class  MethodFactory
 A factory to create method. More...
class  MinThreshold
 A Threshold method is a method where individualTest is true is the tested double is superior or equal to a fixed value. More...
class  Monitor
 A monitor calculate and store followed data (ex:calculation between current position and references) At current time (current state of simulation is given by Parameters class) A monitor is active between startAt and stopAt time. More...
class  MonitorFactory
 A factory to create monitors. More...
class  MonitoringDialog
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  MonitoringDriver
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  MonitoringGuiManager
 A GUI to manipulate mml documents. More...
class  MonitoringManager
 Manager of the benchmark tests. More...
class  MonitoringManagerFactory
 A factory to create MonitoringManager. More...
class  MultipleCriterion
 class which represents a multiple criterion a multiple criterion is either an OrMUltipleCriterion or an AndMultipleCriterion A MultipleCriterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the MultipleCriterion is reach it contains a set of criterion (criteria vector) wich are all checked to make the boolena assessment of checkCriterion method More...
class  MultipleCriterionFactory
 A factory to create MultipleCriterion. More...
class  NonInteractiveMonitoringManager
 NonInteractice managers are managers linked with an non interactive simulator. More...
class  NonInteractiveSimulator
 An interactive simulator is a simulator that we cannot control step by step (ex: Ansys) Entire simulation is performed and then post-processed. More...
class  OrMultipleCriterion
 A OrMultipleCriterion is a MultipleCriterion where a call of checkCriteria methof is true if at least one of Criterion of the Criteria vector is reached. More...
class  ParametersWriter
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  Position
 A simple criterion based on position calculation. More...
class  PostWriter
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  PrepWriter
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  Reference
 A reference is used to compare to simulated data. More...
class  Simulator
 A simulator engine is used to compute the displacements of all atoms of the model. More...
class  SimulatorFactory
 A factory to create Simulator. More...
class  SimulatorWidget
 A widget specific of the simulator to add in the gui all simulator widget have to derive from this class. More...
class  SofaSimulator
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  SofaWidget
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  SoluWriter
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  StoppingCriterion
 class which represent the stopping criterion to check to stop simulation a StoppingCriterion is either a Criterion or a MultipleCriterion a StoppingCriterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the StoppingCriterion is reach More...
class  StoppingCriterionFactory
 A factory to create stopping criterion. More...
class  SurfaceExtractor
 A class to generate the external surface of a pml to use it just add the cells among which you want to extract an external surface designed for the case where a pml represent several object and thus there are several surface to extract for an example of use see SofaSimulator.cpp. More...
class  Threshold
 A Threshold method is a method where individualTest is true is the tested double is inferior or equal to a fixed value. More...
class  Time
 A simple criterion based on time calculation. More...
class  TimePeriodThreshold
 A TimePeriodThreshold method is a method where individualTest is true when the tested double is true during a time period defined by a number of iterations. More...
class  TranslationConstraint< DataTypes >
 TODO Comment class here. More...
class  Velocity
 A simple criterion based on velocity calculation. More...
class  XmlHighlighter
 TODO Comment class here. More...

Detailed Description

MML gathers the LML and PML information into one single XML file.