Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
Basic mesh
+ Collaboration diagram for Basic mesh:


class  BasicMeshExtension
 The basic mesh action extension. More...
class  CenterMesh
 Center the current camitk::MeshComponent in the center of the space coordinate. More...
class  ChangeColor
 Change the color of the rendering of the current selected mesh. Use its widget (pop-up) to select the desired color. More...
class  MeshPicking
 Demonstrates how to get information from image picking. More...
class  MeshQuality
 Display mesures of mesh quality listed by element types. More...
class  MeshToImageStencil
 Convert the image into an image stencil. More...
class  RenderingOption
 An operator to change the way mesh are visualized. More...
class  RigidTransform
 This action allows you to apply a linear transformation (translation,rotation around axes,scaling) the currently selected MeshComponents. This action uses a widget to select its different input parameters. More...

Detailed Description

Provides basic actions on camitk::MeshComponent. The camitk::Action mesh actions features bacic actions working on mesh image (camitk::MeshComponent)

The basic mesh actions contextual menu.

Several widgets are provided for each action, please take a look at each class to have a look of each widget.