Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
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DefaultGUIText.h File Reference
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static const QString defaultActionDescription = "This description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an Action."
static const QString defaultActionExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Action(s)."
static const QString defaultActionExtensionExplanation
static const QString defaultActionExtensionName = "Example Of An Action Extension"
static const QString defaultActionName = "Example Of An Action"
static const QString defaultActionNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name that is different from the name of the Action Extension.\n"
static const QString defaultActionSummary
static const QString defaultAscii = "Please use only ASCII characters: only non accentuated alphanumeric and some other characters [!, \", #, $, %, &, (, ), *, +, -, /...] are supported"
static const QString defaultBeforeGoingFurther = "Before going further..."
static const QString defaultCepDescription
static const QString defaultCepName = "An example of CEP"
static const QString defaultCEPSummary
static const QString defaultComponentDescription = "This description is automatically generated for this component which handles no kind of data."
static const QString defaultComponentExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Component(s)"
static const QString defaultComponentExtensionExplanation
static const QString defaultComponentExtensionName = "Example Of A Component Extension"
static const QString defaultComponentName = "Example Of A Component"
static const QString defaultComponentNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name different that is different from the name of the Component Extension.\n"
static const QString defaultComponentSuffix = "example"
static const QString defaultComponentSummary
static const QString defaultContact = ""
static const QString defaultCopiedFiles
static const QString defaultCopyFilesExplanation
static const QString defaultCreatedActionsString
static const QString defaultCreatedComponentsString
static const QString defaultCreatedViewersString
static const QString defaultDependenciesExplanation
static const QString defaultExtensionSummary
static const QString defaultFamily = "Test Family"
static const QString defaultLibraryDescription = "This library is generated automatically and aims at showing CamiTK new users how to easily write a library independent from CamiTK (except for the CMakeList)."
static const QString defaultLibraryExplanation
static const QString defaultLibraryName = "My Own Library"
static const QString defaultParamNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> parameters.\n"
static const QStringList defaultPossibleComponents = QStringList() << "ImageComponent" << "MeshComponent" << "CameraComponent" << "PhysicalModelComponent"
static const QString defaultPropNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> properties.\n"
static const QString defaultRealActionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your action,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your action (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"
static const QString defaultRealActionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your action,\nA real action name should express what your action is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealCepDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP description should explain what your project is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealCepName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP name should gives an idea of what your project is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealComponentDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your component,\nA real description should explain the data files or input/output data that are handled.\n"
static const QString defaultRealComponentName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your component,\nA real component name should express what kind of data are handled.\n"
static const QString defaultRealContact = "Please provide a <i>real</i> email address for contact\n"
static const QString defaultRealExtensionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your extension,\nA real description should explain what your extension is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealExtensionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your extension,\nA real name should express what your extension is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealFamily = "Please provide a <i>real</i> family name for your Action. It will allow CamiTK to automatically classify your action: all actions of the same family will be available under the same submenu in the contextual menu/Action menu of the selected component."
static const QString defaultRealFileSuffix = "Please provide a <i>real</i> file suffix. It is the suffix (also called file extension) that is used in the file names your component will open/support. If your component is not designed to open any file, please leave this suffix empty. Note that in this case, you might consider using a initialization action to instantiate your component."
static const QString defaultRealLibraryDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your library,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your library (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"
static const QString defaultRealLibraryName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your library,\nA real library name should express what your library is about.\n"
static const QString defaultRealViewerDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your viewer,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your viewer (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"
static const QString defaultRealViewerName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your viewer,\nA real action name should express what your viewer is about.\n"
static const QString defaultUserLicence
static const QString defaultViewerDescription = "This description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an Viewer."
static const QString defaultViewerExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Viewer(s)."
static const QString defaultViewerExtensionExplanation
static const QString defaultViewerExtensionName = "Example Of An Viewer Extension"
static const QString defaultViewerName = "Example Of An Viewer"
static const QString defaultViewerNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name that is different from the name of the Viewer Extension.\n"
static const QString defaultViewerSummary
static const QString enhancedStyle = "QLabel { background-color : red; color : yellow; }"
static const QString normalStyle = "QLabel { background-color : none; color : black; }"

Variable Documentation

◆ defaultActionDescription

const QString defaultActionDescription = "This description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an Action."

◆ defaultActionExtensionDescription

const QString defaultActionExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Action(s)."

◆ defaultActionExtensionExplanation

const QString defaultActionExtensionExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
An <i>Action Extension</i> manages one or a set of actions targeting the same objective.<br/> \
There is one directory for each <i>Action Extension</i>. <br/> \
Each <i>Action Extension</i> results in one dynamic library (dll, so or dylib).\
<p>Please fill-in the information requested for creating of an <i>Action Extension</i>.</p>\
<p>The Actions composing this <i>Action Extension</i> will be added in the next forms.</p>\

Referenced by ActionExtensionDescriptionWidget::setToDefault().

◆ defaultActionExtensionName

const QString defaultActionExtensionName = "Example Of An Action Extension"

◆ defaultActionName

const QString defaultActionName = "Example Of An Action"

◆ defaultActionNameAndExtension

const QString defaultActionNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name that is different from the name of the Action Extension.\n"

◆ defaultActionSummary

const QString defaultActionSummary
Initial value:
= "\
<head/> \
<p> You are about to add the following <b>Action</b></p>\
<li>Name: @NAME@ </li>\
<li>Description: @DESCRIPTION@ </li>\
<li>Component: @COMPONENT@ </li>\
<li>Parameter(s): \
<ul> \
</ul> \
<li>Family: @FAMILY@ </li>\
<li>Tag(s): \
<ul> \
</ul> \
<br/> \
<p>If you want to modify some elements of your Action, click on <tt>Previous</tt>. </p> \
<p>If you want to cancel the creation of this Action, click on <tt>Cancel</tt>. </p> \
<p>Clicking on <tt>Next</tt> will bring you back to the Action Extension page.</p>\

Referenced by ActionSummaryWidget::setSummary().

◆ defaultAscii

◆ defaultBeforeGoingFurther

◆ defaultCepDescription

const QString defaultCepDescription
Initial value:
= "<html><head></head>\
<p>This CEP is an automatically example generated by CamiTK-Wizard.</p>\
<p>It will help you to create Action and Component extensions as well as needed libraries.</p>\
<p>This description <span style='font-weight:600;'>should be replaced</span> \
by a real description of the <span style='font-style:italic;'>actual</span> project.</p>\

Referenced by CepDescriptionWidget::CepDescriptionWidget().

◆ defaultCepName

const QString defaultCepName = "An example of CEP"

◆ defaultCEPSummary

const QString defaultCEPSummary
Initial value:
= "\
<h2>Congratulations !!</h2>\
<h1>You just created a <i>CamiTK Extension Project</i></h1>\
<h2>To Make It Work</h2>\
<li>Create a <tt>build</tt> directory.<br/>\
<i>Note:</i> It is generally created within @WORKING_DIRECTORY@<br/>\
But <b>NOT</b> whitin @WORKING_DIRECTORY@/@CEP_DIRECTORY@.<br/>\
However, it can be created anywhere else.\
<li>Launch CMake-Gui</li>\
<li>Set <tt><i>Where to build the binaries:</i></tt> to @WORKING_DIRECTORY@/build</li>\
<li>Set <tt><i>Where is the source code:</i></tt> to @WORKING_DIRECTORY@/@CEP_DIRECTORY@\
<li>Click on <tt>Configure</tt> and select your favorite IDE (Visual Studio, KDevelop, XCode, etc.)</li>\
<li>Re-click on <tt>Configure</tt> until no red parameter appears.</li>\
<li>Click on <tt>Generate</tt>\
<li>Open the generated project (located within @WORKING_DIRECTORY@/build) with your favorite IDE\
<li>Compile it</li>\
<li>Run <tt>camitk-imp</tt> either from your IDE or from command-line <br/>\
(after relocated within @WORKING_DIRECTORY@/build directory)\
<li>Enjoy !</li>\

Referenced by GeneratingCEPState::onEntry().

◆ defaultComponentDescription

const QString defaultComponentDescription = "This description is automatically generated for this component which handles no kind of data."

◆ defaultComponentExtensionDescription

const QString defaultComponentExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Component(s)"

◆ defaultComponentExtensionExplanation

const QString defaultComponentExtensionExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
A <i>Component Extension</i> manages one top-level Component.<br/> \
A top-level component appears at the first level of the component explorer.<br/> \
It can have sub-components, that can also be managed in the same <i>Component Extension</i>. <br/> \
There is one directory for each <i>Component Extension</i>.<br/> \
Each <i>Component Extension</i> results in one dynamic library (dll, so or dylib).\
<p>Please fill-in the information requested for creating a <i>Component Extension</i>.</p>\
<p>The Components composing this <i>Component Extension</i> will be added in the next forms.</p>\

Referenced by ComponentExtensionDescriptionWidget::setToDefault().

◆ defaultComponentExtensionName

◆ defaultComponentName

const QString defaultComponentName = "Example Of A Component"

◆ defaultComponentNameAndExtension

const QString defaultComponentNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name different that is different from the name of the Component Extension.\n"

◆ defaultComponentSuffix

const QString defaultComponentSuffix = "example"

◆ defaultComponentSummary

const QString defaultComponentSummary
Initial value:
= "\
<head/> \
<p> You are about to add the following <b>Component</b></p>\
<li>Name: @NAME@ </li>\
<li>Description: @DESCRIPTION@ </li>\
<li>Representation: @REPRESENTATION@ </li>\
<li>Property(ies): \
<ul> \
</ul> \
<br/> \
<p>If you want to modify some elements of your Component, click on <tt>Previous</tt>. </p> \
<p>If you want to cancel the creation of this Component, click on <tt>Cancel</tt>. </p> \
<p>Clicking on <tt>Next</tt> will bring you back to the Component Extension page.</p>\

Referenced by ComponentSummaryWidget::setSummary().

◆ defaultContact

const QString defaultContact = ""

◆ defaultCopiedFiles

const QString defaultCopiedFiles
Initial value:
= "\
<h1>File(s) to copy:</h1>\

Referenced by LibraryCopyFilesWidget::emptyFileNames().

◆ defaultCopyFilesExplanation

const QString defaultCopyFilesExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
<h1>Copy Files</h1>\
If you already created files containing the code of your library, you can copy them here.\
You can of course copy them or create them manually another time. <br/>\
However,as CMake automatically parses the directory to include existing .h and .cpp files<br/>\
inside your project, you may want to copy/create them before running CMake<br/>\
for the first time.\

Referenced by LibraryCopyFilesWidget::setToDefault().

◆ defaultCreatedActionsString

const QString defaultCreatedActionsString
Initial value:
= "\
<p align='center'><span style=' font-weight:600; '>Created Action(s):</span></p>\

Referenced by ActionsCreationWidget::emptyExistingActions().

◆ defaultCreatedComponentsString

const QString defaultCreatedComponentsString
Initial value:
= "\
<p align='center'><span style=' font-weight:600; '>Created Component(s):</span></p>\

Referenced by ComponentsCreationWidget::emptyExistingComponents().

◆ defaultCreatedViewersString

const QString defaultCreatedViewersString
Initial value:
= "\
<p align='center'><span style=' font-weight:600; '>Created Viewer(s):</span></p>\

Referenced by ViewersCreationWidget::emptyExistingViewers().

◆ defaultDependenciesExplanation

const QString defaultDependenciesExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
Please provide here the possible dependencies of your @ELEMENT@: <br/>\
does it depend on an library from this CEP, from another CamiTK CEP or an external library?\
<i>Note</span>: if your @ELEMENT@ is standalone<br/>\
(i.e., it does not need any other library to work), you can skip this page.\

Referenced by DependenciesWidget::setElement().

◆ defaultExtensionSummary

const QString defaultExtensionSummary
Initial value:
= "\
<head/> \
<p> You are about to add the following <b>@ELEMENT@ Extensions</b></p>\
<li>Name: @NAME@ </li>\
<li>Description: @DESCRIPTION@ </li>\
<li>@ELEMENT@s: \
<ul> \
</ul> \
<li>Dependencies: \
<ul> \
</ul> \
<br/> \
<p>If you want to modify some elements of your @ELEMENT@ Extension, click on <tt>Previous</tt>. </p> \
<p>If you want to cancel the creation of this @ELEMENT@ Extension, click on <tt>Cancel</tt>. </p> \
<p>Clicking on <tt>Next</tt> will bring you back to the CEP sumarry page.</p>\

Referenced by ExtensionSummaryWidget::setSummary().

◆ defaultFamily

const QString defaultFamily = "Test Family"

◆ defaultLibraryDescription

const QString defaultLibraryDescription = "This library is generated automatically and aims at showing CamiTK new users how to easily write a library independent from CamiTK (except for the CMakeList)."

◆ defaultLibraryExplanation

const QString defaultLibraryExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
<p>A CamiTK Component or Action is just a <span style='font-style:italic;'>glue</span>, i.e. an encapsulation of your <br/>\
data structures/algorithms to fit them within CamiTK. \
<p>However, you may want to keep the knowledge and know-how of your specialty <br/>\
independent of CamiTK.\
<p>This is what Libraries offers you: <span style='font-weight:600;'>the code inside a library is independent of CamiTK</span><br/>\
(only the CMakeList provided uses camitk cmake macros to ease your work, <br/>\
but you can totally modify them so that they are CamiTK<br/>\
independent) and can be used elsewhere.\

Referenced by LibraryDescriptionWidget::setToDefault().

◆ defaultLibraryName

const QString defaultLibraryName = "My Own Library"

◆ defaultParamNoName

const QString defaultParamNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> parameters.\n"

◆ defaultPossibleComponents

const QStringList defaultPossibleComponents = QStringList() << "ImageComponent" << "MeshComponent" << "CameraComponent" << "PhysicalModelComponent"

◆ defaultPropNoName

const QString defaultPropNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> properties.\n"

◆ defaultRealActionDescription

const QString defaultRealActionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your action,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your action (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"

◆ defaultRealActionName

const QString defaultRealActionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your action,\nA real action name should express what your action is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealCepDescription

const QString defaultRealCepDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP description should explain what your project is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealCepName

const QString defaultRealCepName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP name should gives an idea of what your project is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealComponentDescription

const QString defaultRealComponentDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your component,\nA real description should explain the data files or input/output data that are handled.\n"

◆ defaultRealComponentName

const QString defaultRealComponentName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your component,\nA real component name should express what kind of data are handled.\n"

◆ defaultRealContact

const QString defaultRealContact = "Please provide a <i>real</i> email address for contact\n"

◆ defaultRealExtensionDescription

const QString defaultRealExtensionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your extension,\nA real description should explain what your extension is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealExtensionName

const QString defaultRealExtensionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your extension,\nA real name should express what your extension is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealFamily

const QString defaultRealFamily = "Please provide a <i>real</i> family name for your Action. It will allow CamiTK to automatically classify your action: all actions of the same family will be available under the same submenu in the contextual menu/Action menu of the selected component."

◆ defaultRealFileSuffix

const QString defaultRealFileSuffix = "Please provide a <i>real</i> file suffix. It is the suffix (also called file extension) that is used in the file names your component will open/support. If your component is not designed to open any file, please leave this suffix empty. Note that in this case, you might consider using a initialization action to instantiate your component."

◆ defaultRealLibraryDescription

const QString defaultRealLibraryDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your library,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your library (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"

◆ defaultRealLibraryName

const QString defaultRealLibraryName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your library,\nA real library name should express what your library is about.\n"

◆ defaultRealViewerDescription

const QString defaultRealViewerDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your viewer,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your viewer (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n"

◆ defaultRealViewerName

const QString defaultRealViewerName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your viewer,\nA real action name should express what your viewer is about.\n"

◆ defaultUserLicence

const QString defaultUserLicence
Initial value:
= "/*****************************************************************************<br/>\
* <br/>\
* CamiTK - Computer Assisted Medical Intervention ToolKit <br/>\
* (c) 2001-2021 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, TIMC, 38000 Grenoble, France <br/>\
* <br/>\
* Visit for more information <br/>\
* <br/>\
* This file is part of CamiTK. <br/>\
* <br/>\
* @CEP_NAME@ is under the following licence: <br/>\
* <br/>\
* <br/>\
* <br/>\
****************************************************************************/ <br/>\

Referenced by CepContactWidget::CepContactWidget(), and CepContactWidget::setCepName().

◆ defaultViewerDescription

const QString defaultViewerDescription = "This description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an Viewer."

◆ defaultViewerExtensionDescription

const QString defaultViewerExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Viewer(s)."

◆ defaultViewerExtensionExplanation

const QString defaultViewerExtensionExplanation
Initial value:
= "\
An <i>Viewer Extension</i> manages one or a set of actions targeting the same objective.<br/> \
There is one directory for each <i>Viewer Extension</i>. <br/> \
Each <i>Viewer Extension</i> results in one dynamic library (dll, so or dylib).\
<p>Please fill-in the information requested for creating of an <i>Viewer Extension</i>.</p>\
<p>The Viewer composing this <i>Viewer Extension</i> will be added in the next forms.</p>\

Referenced by ViewerExtensionDescriptionWidget::setToDefault().

◆ defaultViewerExtensionName

const QString defaultViewerExtensionName = "Example Of An Viewer Extension"

◆ defaultViewerName

const QString defaultViewerName = "Example Of An Viewer"

◆ defaultViewerNameAndExtension

const QString defaultViewerNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name that is different from the name of the Viewer Extension.\n"

◆ defaultViewerSummary

const QString defaultViewerSummary
Initial value:
= "\
<head/> \
<p> You are about to add the following <b>Viewer</b></p>\
<li>Name: @NAME@ </li>\
<li>Description: @DESCRIPTION@ </li>\
<li>Type: @TYPE@ </li>\
<br/> \
<p>If you want to modify some elements of your Viewer, click on <tt>Previous</tt>. </p> \
<p>If you want to cancel the creation of this Viewer, click on <tt>Cancel</tt>. </p> \
<p>Clicking on <tt>Next</tt> will bring you back to the Viewer Extension page.</p>\

Referenced by ViewerSummaryWidget::setSummary().

◆ enhancedStyle

◆ normalStyle