Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit
version 5.0
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #------------------------------------------
2 # Manage CamiTK Test coverage
3 #-------------------------------------------
5 # When using gcc, enable test coverage
6 # using https://github.com/bilke/cmake-modules/blob/master/CodeCoverage.cmake
7 # requires lcov to be installed on the machine
"Check this option to generate the 'camitk-ce-test-coverage' target that will create a coverage analysis report in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/camitk-ce-test-coverage" OFF)
13 # CodeCoverage is an additional CMake modules published on github by Lars Bilke.
14 # it declares append_coverage_compiler_flags and setup_target_for_coverage macros
17 # First append gxx flags, this has to be done before any C++ project configuration takes place
18 append_coverage_compiler_flags()
20 # Exclude the following files:
21 # - generated source file (in build dir)
22 # - installed library headers from coverage analysis
26 # Defines a specific target to run test coverage and reporting.
27 # This will create a specific camitk-ce-test-coverage target
28 # that, when run, will launch all the test known by ctest in parallel
29 # and generate a report in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/camitk-ce-test-coverage
31 # Note: you can run a quick test by bypassing some tests.
32 # e.g., to run only one test every 50 tests "-I 1,,50" (ctest documenation: -I Start,End,Stride,test#,test#
33 # Note: add "-V" or "-VV" for verbose, add "-R pattern" to run only specific test
34 setup_target_for_coverage(NAME
35 EXECUTABLE ctest --parallel 5)
if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) option(CAMITK_TEST_COVERAGE "Check this option to generate the 'camitk-ce-test-coverage' target that will create a coverage analysis report in $
Definition: CamiTKTestCoverage.h:8
iwyu out CACHE PATH Output filename for include what you use set(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE ${IWYU_EXECUTABLE}) if(NOT EXISTS $
Definition: CamiTKIncludeWhatYouUse.h:22
cmake modules macros camitk test endif() add_custom_target(camitk-ce-iwyu COMMAND $
Definition: CamiTKIncludeWhatYouUse.h:37
static void include(QRect &r, const QRect &rect)
Definition: canvas_typed/qtcanvas.cpp:98
Definition: Action.cpp:35