Discover CamitK-imp, the all-in-one application

CamitK-imp is an open-source application that allow you to use all the available CamiTK extensions on your machine. free plugins comes with CamiTK Community Edition ( algorithms, supported file extensions, interactive viewers), and you can develop your own if needed thanks to the Software Development Kit.

CamitK-imp can be used as a medical image analysis, imaging and modeling software.

Discover the features available out-of-the-box

Also check the videos below!


CamiTK-imp is the flagship GUI application of the larger CamiTK framework designed to ease the collaborative work of a research team.

The targeted users are R&D department engineers, PhD/post-doctorate students, or clinicians. CamitK-imp provides an easy and interactive access to all your data and algorithm parameters.

CamiTK-imp can visualize medical images from a lot of different (standard) formats, offers image processing and segmentation algorithms to reconstruct a mesh geometry and can be used to interact with biomechanical simulation, all thanks to plugins (called CamiTK extensions)


If you are not an expert in software development, you will find that CamiTK-imp is a "ready to go" application that allows you to test your case studies.

The CamiTK team developed the end user application CamiTK-imp for this specific need.

Built on top of the CamiTK framework and provided by the open-source CamiTK Community Edition, CamiTK-imp is an all-in-one application allowing you to access, modify and transform all of your medical data thanks to the CamiTK framework extensions.

There are already a lot of freely available extensions that makes CamiTK-imp ready for displaying and interacting with medical images. Moreover CamiTK Community Edition provides several extensions that let you perform other tasks such as image processing and biomechanical simulations.

Check the videos below!

Image Visualization

CamiTK-imp comes with several Community Edition extensions to handle frequently-used data format:
• medical images (mha, DICOM...)
• 3D mesh (vtk, off, stl, obj, msh...).
• 3D visualization and interaction with volume image
• ...and much more

CamitK-imp provides data viewers and interactive interface based on VTK and Qt. Moreover, the CamiTK framework allows developers to easily add support for new data/file formats.

Image Visualization

Image Processing

Image Processing

CamiTK-imp comes also with several Community Edition extensions for processing medical images

Based on the Insight Tool Kit (ITK) embedded library, CamiTK-imp provides access to the most frequent filtering and segmentation algorithms.

The action viewer panel (on the right side of the application on the video) lets the user intuitively set all the mandatory parameters of the algorithm.

Moreover, the CamiTK framework allows developers to easily wrap their existing library or algorithm in order to create new image processing algorithms.

Mesh Processing and Biomechanical Modeling

CamiTK-imp comes also with several Community Edition extensions dedicated to meshes processing, deformation and biomechanical simulations.

CamiTK-imp provides a simple way to call biomechanical engines (SOFA, ArtiSynth...) to compute 3D biomechanical deformations and compare them by displaying their results in CamiTK-imp

The simulation viewer (on the right side of the application in the video) allows the user to enter the required simulation parameters. The results are rendered in the 3D viewer (in the main central viewer of the application). Last but not least, CamiTK-imp features several "monitors", displaying information of the biomechanical simulation, such as the evaluation of the displacement, rendered in color.

Moreover, the CamiTK framework allows developers to easily wrap their existing library or algorithm in order to create new mesh processing and deformation algorithms.

Biomechanical Modeling