Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2

Some useful tools of CamiTK. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Utils:


class  camitk::AbortException
 Exception class to handle abortion in component instantiation. More...
class  camitk::CamiTKLogger
 This is the default logger for CamiTK. More...
class  camitk::ConsoleStream
 Provides a console windows, within the CamiTK application. More...
class  camitk::InterfaceLogger
 The CamiTK logger interface provides a flexible tracing system to CamiTK applications. More...
class  camitk::Log
 This class is a log utility. More...
class  camitk::ObjectController
 The object controller class. More...
class  camitk::PlaneC
 This class allows you to transform a plane(translation,rotation around an axis) and visualize it. More...
class  camitk::Property
 This class describes a property that can be used in components and actions or any class that needs to be passed to ObjectControler. More...
class  camitk::PropertyObject
 This class describes a property object. More...
class  camitk::SliderSpinBoxWidget
 A utility class to have QSpinBox and QSlider synchronized. More...
class  camitk::SliderTextWidget
 This widget allows you to use a slider with a lineedit in a Dialog Box. More...

Detailed Description

Some useful tools of CamiTK.

Utils contains useful tools provided with the CamiTK architecture, such as the Log, the nice Property handling and so more.

Please directly take a look at the corresponding classes for more information.