Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2

Old DICOM Component to handle DICOM image opened from a directory using GDCM. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for DICOM:


class  DicomComponent
 DICOM Component represents a volumic image of a DICOM SERIES with its corresponding tags information (as CamiTK properties). More...
class  DicomComponentExtension
 DICOM image Component manager. More...
class  DicomDialog
 Dialog class to select the DICOM series to open, using a GUI. More...
class  DicomDialogEntry
 This class represents a line in the Dialog box of the DICOM series the user is prompted to open. More...
class  DicomParser
 DicomParser allows one to parse a directory of DICOM files looking for studies and series. More...
class  DicomSeries
 DicomSeries is a CamiTK high level class to represent a DICOM SERIES This class encapsulates GDCM objects to handle a DICOM SERIES. More...

Detailed Description

Old DICOM Component to handle DICOM image opened from a directory using GDCM.