Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.2
ITK Filters

ITK filters based actions. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ITK Filters:


class  AnisotropicDiffusion
 Perform a anisotropic diffusion on the ImageComponent. More...
class  CannyEdgeDetection
 Perform a Canny edge detection on the ImageComponent. More...
class  ConnectedComponents
 Perform a connected component analysis on the ImageComponent. More...
class  Derivative
 Perform a derivative filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  GaussianFilter
 Perform a gaussian filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  GradientMagnitude
 Perform a gradient magnitude filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian
 Perform a gradient magnitude recursive filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  ITKFiltersExtension
 Manager of the ITK filter actions. More...
class  Laplacian
 Perform a laplacian filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  LaplacianRecursiveGaussian
 Perform a laplacian-gaussian recursive filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  LaplacianSharpening
 Perform a laplacian sharpening filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  MeanFilter
 Perform a mean filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  MedianFilter
 Perform a median filter on the ImageComponent. More...
class  MorphologicalOperators
 Perform some morphological operators such as opening, closing ... More...
class  SobelEdgeDetection
 Perform the Sobel edge detection on the ImageComponent. More...

Detailed Description

ITK filters based actions.

Those actions works on volumic images, i.e. ImageComponent.

The ITK filters actions contextual menu.