Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
+ Collaboration diagram for Vtkimage:


class  RawDataDialog
 Input of the parameter to read a raw data file. More...
class  RawImageComponent
 This class manage raw images, i.e., images that are directly loaded from a file containing only the binary values of the voxels. The user has to fill a form in order to describe the parameters (volume and voxel sizes, binary type...) More...
class  VtkImageComponent
 This class manage vtk images, i.e images that can be loaded in CamiTK by using an VTK importer. More...
class  VtkImageComponentExtension
 This vtkImages ComponentExtension allows you to manipulate any files handled by vtk. More...

Detailed Description

Vtkimage components allows one to handle several camitk::ImageComponent supported by VTK