Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
+ Collaboration diagram for Imp:


class  ImpMainWindow
 This Class describes the "historical" imp application. It is a classical desktop application, with menubar, toolbar and statusbar. More...

Detailed Description

Imp is the most famous, used CamiTK application.

Imp is a graphical users interface (GUI) which allows one to manipulate camitk::Action, camitk::Component and camitk::Viewer and adjust lots of parameters.

The Imp application !
Imp is mainly focusing users desiring testing their algorithms on data. For prototyping a ready to test pipeline please see ActionStateMachine
This application is used at configuration step of any CEP. Therefore, this application must be in the current PATH. This application is located in the bin subfolder of the installation directory of CamiTK.