Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
Mesh Processing
+ Collaboration diagram for Mesh Processing:


class  AppendMeshes
 Append several meshes in one mesh. More...
class  CleanPolyData
 Using vtkCleanPolyData for example to clean nodes that are too close. More...
class  Decimation
 Decimate the input mesh in order to reduce its number of triangles. More...
class  ExtractEdges
 Extract edges from a mesh. More...
class  ExtractSurface
 Extract the surface of an input mesh. More...
class  FillWithPoints
 Fill a surfacic mesh with regularly spaced nodes (create new nodes inside the mesh). More...
class  ICPRegistration
 Perform an Iterative Closest Point registration between two meshes. More...
class  InvertMesh
 Invert the input mesh. More...
class  MeshProcessingExtension
 The mesh processing actions extension. More...
class  SmoothFilter
 Smooth the input mesh. More...
class  WarpOut
 This action extracts the outer surface of a multiple surface polydata model and warp it outward. More...

Detailed Description

Features some nice algorithms for mesh processing.

The input of each action is a camitk::MeshComponent.

Use, as shown above, the action contextual menu in order to select the desired mesh processing action.

The mesh processing contextual menu.
Actions have a widget in order to select the input parameters (if needed). Please, take a look at the corresponding classes for more information.