Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
Show in 3D
+ Collaboration diagram for Show in 3D:


class  ShowArbitrarySliceIn3D
 Shows the arbitrary slice of the camitk::ImageComponent in the 3D viewer. More...
class  ShowAxialSliceIn3D
 Shows the axial slice of the camitk::ImageComponent in the 3D viewer. More...
class  ShowCoronalSliceIn3D
 Shows the coronal slice of the camitk::ImageComponent in the 3D viewer. More...
class  ShowImageIn3D
 Shows the whole volumic image (i.e. the camitk::ImageComponent) in the 3D viewer. More...
class  ShowIn3DExtension
 Show the selected camitk::ImageComponent slices in the 3D viewer(s) action extension. More...
class  ShowSagittalSliceIn3D
 Shows the sagittal slice of the volumic image in the 3D viewer. More...

Detailed Description

Display or not, the selected slices of the volumic image within the 3D viewer. This camitk::Action aims at displaying :