Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
+ Collaboration diagram for Multipicking:


class  MultiPicking
 This action allows the user to store a list of picked pixels. More...
class  MultiPickingExtension
 The multipicking action extension. More...
class  MultiPickingWidget
 The multipicking action widget (a table with the pixel coordinates/3D indexes + some buttons to interact with it) More...
class  PickedPixelMap
 This class is dedicated to manage an ImageComponent with a list of selected/picked pixels. This class allows one to manage a generic list of pixels too (add, remove, modify and save some points). More...

Detailed Description

The multipicking action

This action allows allows the user to select several voxel coordinates in a camitk::ImageComponent The voxels are listed within a widget.

The multipicking action widget