Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
+ Collaboration diagram for Application:


class  AboutAction
 The AboutAction class handles the pop-up "About CamiTK" with information about CamiTK. More...
class  ApplicationEditActionExtension
 The ApplicationEditActionExtension class features all the application actions. More...
class  ApplicationFileActionExtension
 The ApplicationFileActionExtension class features all the application file actions. More...
class  ApplicationHelpActionExtension
 The ApplicationHelpActionExtension class features all the help application actions. More...
class  ChangeLanguage
 When triggered, the ChangeLanguage automatically opens the given setting file language. More...
class  ClearSelectionAction
 The ClearSelectionAction allows user to clear the selected components in the components explorer. More...
class  CloseAction
 The CloseAction class closes the selected component. More...
class  CloseAllAction
 The CloseAllAction class allows one to close all selected component in the current application. More...
class  LoggerParameters
 The AboutAction class handles the pop-up "About CamiTK" with information about CamiTK. More...
class  MedicalImageViewerActionExtension
 The MedicalImageViewerActionExtension class features the actions to change the visibility of the viewers embedded in the Medical Image Viewer layout. More...
class  OpenAction
 When triggered, open a file open dialog box. the OpenAction display a file open dialog. If one or more files are choosen, the open component method of ExtensionManager is called. More...
class  OpenFile
 When triggered, the OpenFile automatically opens the given file. More...
class  QuitAction
 When triggered, quit the current application. More...
class  RemoveLastInstantiatedAction
 Remove the last top-level selected component (if several top level components were selected, the latest one is removed). Note that no prompt is asked to the user to save or not the component if unsaved. More...
class  SaveAction
 Save the current selected component. More...
class  SaveAllAction
 Save all the current selected components. More...
class  SaveAsAction
 Save as the current selected component. More...
class  SelectLastInstantiatedAction
 Save the current selected component. This action allows one to select the last instantiated component. More...
class  SetPathToTestData
 Specify the current directory to the test data directory. More...
class  Show3DViewer
 Set the visibility of the MedicalImageViewer in order to only show the 3D viewer. More...
class  ShowAllViewers
 Within the MedicalImageViewer, display all viewers (except arbitrary). More...
class  ShowArbitraryViewer
 Within the MedicalImageViewer, display the arbitrary viewer. More...
class  ShowAxialViewer
 Within the MedicalImageViewer, display the axial viewer. More...
class  ShowCoronalViewer
 Within the MedicalImageViewer, display the coronal viewer. More...
class  ShowSagittalViewer
 Within the MedicalImageViewer, display the sagittal viewer. More...
class  ToggleConsoleAction
 Display the console application widget, which, by default, prints the standard output and log. This action acts as a toggle button. More...

Detailed Description

The basic actions of the CamiTK SDK. The camitk::Action application features actions used at aplication level (these actions are mandatory for any CamiTK appliction to work)

Basic handle your component through the contextual menu.