Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit  version 5.0
+ Collaboration diagram for DICOM:


class  DicomComponent
 DICOM Component represents a volumic image of a DICOM SERIES with its corresponding tags information (as CamiTK properties). This class is part of the MODEL (in the MVP pattern) of the DICOM COMPONENT. More...
class  DicomComponentExtension
 DICOM image Component manager. More...
class  DicomDialog
 Dialog class to select the DICOM series to open, using a GUI. More...
class  DicomDialogEntry
 This class represents a line in the Dialog box of the DICOM series the user is prompted to open. More...
class  DicomParser
 DicomParser allows one to parse a directory of DICOM files looking for studies and series. More...
class  DicomSeries
 DicomSeries is a CamiTK high level class to represent a DICOM SERIES This class encapsulates GDCM objects to handle a DICOM SERIES. More...

Detailed Description

Old DICOM Component to handle DICOM image opened from a directory using GDCM.