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Computer Assited Medical Intervention Tool Kit
version 4.1
MML gathers the LML and PML information into one single XML file. More...
Classes | |
class | AndMultipleCriterion |
A AndMultipleCriterion is a MultipleCriterion where a call of checkCriteria methof is true if every single Criterion of the Criteria vector is reached. More... | |
class | AnsysBatch |
Ansys batch file handler. More... | |
class | AnsysBatchWriter |
Ansys batch writer helps to write a part of a batch file. More... | |
class | AnsysSimulator |
Simulator class to use Ansys as simulation engine. More... | |
class | AnsysWidget |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | ArtisynthSimulator |
Simulator class to use Artisynth as simulation engine. More... | |
class | AtomIterator |
Allow iteration over a set of atoms given by a target list (component name or index list) More... | |
class | Chrono |
Elapsed real-time timer. More... | |
class | Criterion |
Class which represents a simple criterion A criterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the criterion is reach A criterion calculate a set of double (values) wich is checked by a method (method) to make the boolean assessment of checkCriterion. More... | |
class | CriterionFactory |
A factory to create criterion. More... | |
class | Facet |
Class facet to hold and compare facet This class is used for the extraction of external surface during importation of simulator specific files. More... | |
class | ForceCriterion |
A simple criterion based on force calculation. More... | |
class | InteractiveMonitoringManager |
Interactice managers are managers linked with an interactive simulator. More... | |
class | InteractiveSimulator |
An interactive simulator is a simulator that we can control step by step (ex: Sofa) More... | |
class | kineticEnergy |
A simple criterion based on Kinetic energy calculation. More... | |
class | Method |
A Method represent how to make the boolean assessment with criteria data (a vector of double) More... | |
class | MethodFactory |
A factory to create method. More... | |
class | MinThreshold |
A Threshold method is a method where individualTest is true is the tested double is superior or equal to a fixed value. More... | |
class | Monitor |
A monitor calculate and store followed data (ex:calculation between current position and references) At current time (current state of simulation is given by Parameters class) A monitor is active between startAt and stopAt time. More... | |
class | MonitorFactory |
A factory to create monitors. More... | |
class | MonitoringDialog |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | MonitoringDriver |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | MonitoringGuiManager |
A GUI to manipulate mml documents. More... | |
class | MonitoringManager |
Manager of the benchmark tests. More... | |
class | MonitoringManagerFactory |
A factory to create MonitoringManager. More... | |
class | MultipleCriterion |
class which represents a multiple criterion a multiple criterion is either an OrMUltipleCriterion or an AndMultipleCriterion A MultipleCriterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the MultipleCriterion is reach it contains a set of criterion (criteria vector) wich are all checked to make the boolena assessment of checkCriterion method More... | |
class | MultipleCriterionFactory |
A factory to create MultipleCriterion. More... | |
class | NonInteractiveMonitoringManager |
NonInteractice managers are managers linked with an non interactive simulator. More... | |
class | NonInteractiveSimulator |
An interactive simulator is a simulator that we cannot control step by step (ex: Ansys) Entire simulation is performed and then post-processed. More... | |
class | OrMultipleCriterion |
A OrMultipleCriterion is a MultipleCriterion where a call of checkCriteria methof is true if at least one of Criterion of the Criteria vector is reached. More... | |
class | ParametersWriter |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | Position |
A simple criterion based on position calculation. More... | |
class | PostWriter |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | PrepWriter |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | Reference |
A reference is used to compare to simulated data. More... | |
class | Simulator |
A simulator engine is used to compute the displacements of all atoms of the model. More... | |
class | SimulatorFactory |
A factory to create Simulator. More... | |
class | SimulatorWidget |
A widget specific of the simulator to add in the gui all simulator widget have to derive from this class. More... | |
class | SofaSimulator |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | SofaWidget |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | SoluWriter |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | StoppingCriterion |
class which represent the stopping criterion to check to stop simulation a StoppingCriterion is either a Criterion or a MultipleCriterion a StoppingCriterion can be checked using checkCriterion method to know if the StoppingCriterion is reach More... | |
class | StoppingCriterionFactory |
A factory to create stopping criterion. More... | |
class | SurfaceExtractor |
A class to generate the external surface of a pml to use it just add the cells among which you want to extract an external surface designed for the case where a pml represent several object and thus there are several surface to extract for an exemple of use see SofaSimulator.cpp. More... | |
class | Threshold |
A Threshold method is a method where individualTest is true is the tested double is inferior or equal to a fixed value. More... | |
class | Time |
A simple criterion based on time calculation. More... | |
class | TimePeriodThreshold |
A TimePeriodThreshold method is a method where individualTest is true when the tested double is true during a time period defined by a number of iterations. More... | |
class | TranslationConstraint< DataTypes > |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
class | Velocity |
A simple criterion based on velocity calculation. More... | |
class | XmlHighlighter |
TODO Comment class here. More... | |
MML gathers the LML and PML information into one single XML file.