static const QString | defaultActionDescription = "This description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an Action." |
static const QString | defaultActionExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Action(s)." |
static const QString | defaultActionExtensionExplanation |
static const QString | defaultActionExtensionName = "Example Of An Action Extension" |
static const QString | defaultActionName = "Example Of An Action" |
static const QString | defaultActionNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name that is different from the name of the Action Extension.\n" |
static const QString | defaultActionSummary |
static const QString | defaultAscii = "Please use only ASCII characters: only non accentuated alphanumeric and some other characters [!, \", #, $, %, &, (, ), *, +, -, /...] are supported" |
static const QString | defaultBeforeGoingFurther = "Before going further..." |
static const QString | defaultCepDescription |
static const QString | defaultCepName = "An example of CEP" |
static const QString | defaultCEPSummary |
static const QString | defaultComponentDescription = "This description is automatically generated for this component which handles no kind of data." |
static const QString | defaultComponentExtensionDescription = "This extension description is automatically generated in order to show new users how to easily write an extension with one or several Component(s)" |
static const QString | defaultComponentExtensionExplanation |
static const QString | defaultComponentExtensionName = "Example Of A Component Extension" |
static const QString | defaultComponentName = "Example Of A Component" |
static const QString | defaultComponentNameAndExtension = "Please provide a name different that is different from the name of the Component Extension.\n" |
static const QString | defaultComponentSuffix = "example" |
static const QString | defaultComponentSummary |
static const QString | defaultContact = "Firstname.Lastname@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr" |
static const QString | defaultCopiedFiles |
static const QString | defaultCopyFilesExplanation |
static const QString | defaultCreatedActionsString |
static const QString | defaultCreatedComponentsString |
static const QString | defaultDependenciesExplanation |
static const QString | defaultExtensionSummary |
static const QString | defaultFamily = "Test Family" |
static const QString | defaultLibraryDescription = "This library is generated automatically and aims at showing CamiTK new users how to easily write a library independent from CamiTK (except for the CMakeList)." |
static const QString | defaultLibraryExplanation |
static const QString | defaultLibraryName = "My Own Library" |
static const QString | defaultParamNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> parameters.\n" |
static const QStringList | defaultPossibleComponents = QStringList() << "ImageComponent" << "MeshComponent" << "CameraComponent" << "PhysicalModelComponent" |
static const QString | defaultPropNoName = "Please provide a name for <i>all</i> properties.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealActionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your action,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your action (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealActionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your action,\nA real action name should express what your action is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealCepDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP description should explain what your project is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealCepName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your CEP,\nA CEP name should gives an idea of what your project is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealComponentDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your component,\nA real description should explain the data files or input/output data that are handled.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealComponentName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your component,\nA real component name should express what kind of data are handled.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealContact = "Please provide a <i>real</i> email address for contact\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealExtensionDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your extension,\nA real description should explain what your extension is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealExtensionName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your extension,\nA real name should express what your extension is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealFamily = "Please provide a <i>real</i> family name for your Action. It will allow CamiTK to automatically classify your action: all actions of the same family will be available under the same submenu in the contextual menu/Action menu of the selected component." |
static const QString | defaultRealFileSuffix = "Please provide a <i>real</i> file suffix. It is the suffix (also called file extension) that is used in the file names your component will open/support. If your component is not designed to open any file, please leave this suffix empty. Note that in this case, you might consider using a initialization action to instanciate your component." |
static const QString | defaultRealLibraryDescription = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>description</b> for your library,\nA real description should explain the goal and tell a little bit about the method of your library (for instance, you can reference a/your paper here).\n" |
static const QString | defaultRealLibraryName = "Please provide a <i>real</i> <b>name</b> for your library,\nA real library name should express what your library is about.\n" |
static const QString | defaultUserLicence |
static const QString | enhancedStyle = "QLabel { background-color : red; color : yellow; }" |
static const QString | normalStyle = "QLabel { background-color : none; color : black; }" |